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Emad Guirguis

Hirschsprung's Disease: A Review

Constipation is a common symptom in infants La constipation est un symptome courant chez les
and young children who are seen by primary bebes et les jeunes enfants auscult6s par des
medecins de soins primaires. Si le patient constipe
care physicians. If a patient fails to respond to ne reagit pas au traitement medical approprie, le
the appropriate medical therapy for medecin devrait alors considerer qu'il s'agit,
constipation, then the physician should peut-etre, de la maladie de Hirschsprung, maladie
consider the possibility of Hirschsprung's congenitale caracterisee par l'absence de cellules
disease, a congenital disease in which ganglionnaires dans le systeme gastro-intestinal
distal, qui entraine une obstruction des fonctions du
ganglion cells are absent from the distal colon. Un premier diagnostic et un traitement rapide
gastrointestinal tract, and which results in a contre cette maladie de Hirschsprung amelioreront
functional colonic obstruction. Early diagnosis considerablement la qualite de vie du patient et
and prompt treatment of Hirschsprung's peuvent diminuer les risques de complications,
disease will result in a significantly improved parfois mortelles. Cet article derit un cas de la
quality of life for the patient, and may maladie de Hirschsprung et fait une analyse de la
documentation la plus recente sur le sujet. On met
alleviate potentially life-threatening en valeur les caracteristiques cliniques permettant de
complications. This artide describes a case of distinguer la maladie de Hirschsprung des autres
Hirschsprung's disease and reviews the most causes de constipation.
current literature on the topic. Cliniical features
that distinguish Hirschsprung's disease from
other causes of constipation are emphasized.
(Can Fam Physician 1986; 32:1521-1523.)
Key words: Hirschsprung's disease, constipation, colon
111 I IM I I'
Dr. Guirguis is a resident in the This review presents a typical case men was soft and no masses were
Family Medicine Program at of Hirschsprung's disease and dis- palpable. The rectal ampulla was
McMaster University, Hamilton, cusses the incidence, etiology, pathol- empty. Over the next several months,
Ont. Reprint requests to: First ogy, clinical manifestations, diag- he was treated conservatively with in-
Place Community Health Centre, nosis, and treatment of the disease. creased fluids, stool softeners, and
350 King St. E., Suite 106, senna concentrate (Senokot) but his
Hamilton, Ont. L8N 3Y3. symptoms did not improve. At nine
Case Report months of age he was referred to a pe-
AVE YOU EVER considered B.H. is a breast-fed infant who pre- diatric surgeon and was found to have
that an infant or child with in- sented at four months of age with in- a markedly distended abdomen and
tractable constipation may have creasing constipation. He was passing major impaction of stool extending
Hirschsprung's disease? Although the small stools every three to four days from the sigmoid colon to the anus. A
disease is less common than other with no attendant rectal bleeding. The barium enema revealed fecal impac-
causes of constipation, its early detec- infant's past health was unremarkable tion in the sigmoid colon and rectum,
tion and treatment can relieve the except for the fact that he had not as well as a short area of narrowing in
symptoms and reduce the incidence of passed meconium until 26 hours after the rectum. A rectal biopsy demon-
enterocolitis, a complication which his birth. On examination, the infant's strated aganglionic and proliferated
bears a very high mortality rate.1 bowel sounds were normal, his abdo- nerves. Based on these findings, a
CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 32: JULY 1986 1521
diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease cells into the rectum and lower colon Episodes of constipation and diar-
was made. At 11 months of age, the (or sometimes into the entire colon rhea may alternate during the early
infant underwent a transverse colos- and ileum).2 weeks of life. The diarrhea may pro-
tomy with multiple intraoperative Another theory of the etiology of gress to a fulminant enterocolitis
biopsies of the colon. The sigmoid Hirschsprung's disease has been pro- (22.2%),9 causing profound dehydra-
colon was found to have sparse gan- posed by Jarmas et al.7 They sug- tion, sepsis, and shock. There is no
glia, while the transverse colon was gested that the disease may, in some specific bacteria isolated. Enteroco-
fully innervated with ganglion cells. cases, result from degeneration of in- litis is the most dangerous complica-
At 16 months of age, a Soave en- testinal ganglia after 16 weeks gesta- tion of Hirschsprung's disease and has
dorectal pull-through was performed tion, rather than from the absence of a high mortality rate unless it is ener-
on B.H., with no intra- or post-opera- ganglion cell growth. They formu- getically treated.2
tive complications. Following sur- lated their theory when they failed to On physical examination of the pa-
gery, he experienced no problems find decreased amniotic fluid disac- tient, the most frequent findings are
with constipation or diarrhea, and his charidase values at 15 weeks gestation abdominal distention (83.3%), an
growth and development were subse- in a fetus who was later found to have empty rectal ampulla (81.2%), dehy-
quently appropriate for his age group. Hirschsprung's disease. These disac- dration (27.8%), and fecal impaction
charidase values have been found to (27.8%), either rectally or abdomi-
Discussion be decreased in other forms of intes- nally.9
tinal obstruction.8
Incidence and prevalence Differential diagnosis
The incidence of Hirschsprung's Pathology In the newborn infant, low intes-
disease is approximately 1/4,500 in tinal obstruction may be due to rectal
the newborn population. It is the most Hirschsprung's disease results from
the absence of ganglion cells in the or colonic atresia, meconium plug
common cause of intestinal obstruc- syndrome, or meconium ileus.
tion in the full-term neonate and ac- bowel wall, extending proximally
counts for about 33% of all neonatal from the anus for a variable distance. An older child suffering from
bowel obstructions.2 The disease is The aganglionic segment of bowel is Hirschsprung's disease presents with
limited to the rectosigmoid in about chronic constipation and abdominal
relatively less common in the prema- distention. This condition must be
ture infant, with necrotizing enteroco- 80% of patients. The incidence of
litis being the leading cause of intes- aganglionosis beyond the sigmoid distinguished from acquired mega-
tinal obstruction in this population. colon is about 20%. In 8.5% of cases, colon, which is more common. The
the entire colon, with or without small history of a child with Hirschsprung's
The overall male:female ratio is 3:1. disease reveals that he or she has had
Associated anomolies are present in bowel, is aganglionic.1
The incomplete parasympathetic in- the symptoms from birth, seldom
14% of cases. These include Down's soils underclothing, usually passes
syndrome (2.9%), cardiac anomolies nervation in the aganglionic segment
of the bowel results in abnormal small-to-normal-size stools, and does
(2.1%), inguinal hernias (0.7%), not have any rectal bleeding. With ac-
malrotations (0.6%), and cleft lip and peristalsis, constipation, and a func-
tional intestinal obstruction. The in- quired megacolon, the child usually
palate (0.6%).1 has problems with fecal soiling,
In infants and young children who testine may become enormously di-
lated with a large quantity of retained passes very large stools, and may
present with intractable constipation, have a history of rectal bleeding. On
the prevalence of Hirschsprung's dis- feces and gas. Proximal to the transi-
tion zone, muscular hypertrophy examination, the child with acquired
ease varies widely, and depends on megacolon typically does not have ab-
the population being studied. In causes thickening of the intestinal
wall. dominal distention and will have a
highly selected populations-for ex- rectal ampulla packed with stool.2
ample, those who failed to respond to
aggressive medical therapy, increased Clinical manifestations
fluid intake, and anal dilatation3-the The symptoms of Hirschsprung's
prevalence of Hirschsprung's disease disease vary widely in severity, but 1. Rectal biopsy
is as high as 9.4%, 10%, and almost always appear shortly after A rectal biopsy administered by the
43%. 3-5 Molnar et al. ,6 however, birth. The most common presenting punch or suction method, which in-
argued that these prevalence figures symptoms are constipation (88.9%), cludes the submucosa, is the "gold
are far higher than they should be be- abdominal distention (88.9%), and standard" diagnostic test for Hirsch-
cause they reflect the experience in failure to pass meconium in the first sprung's disease. 10, 11 Using cholines-
highly selected populations. In their 24 hours of life (76.5%). In some terase staining, aganglionic nerves
small study, which focused on a much cases, the presentation may be of par- and a proliferation of both sympa-
less specialized setting, no cases of tial or complete intestinal obstruction, thetic and parasympathetic nerves are
Hirschsprung's disease were found in with vomiting (61. 1%) being a promi- seen in the submucosa and myenteric
the 67 patients surveyed.6 nent symptom. Diarrhea (1 1. 1%) may plexus. Alternatively, a direct mea-
occur in association with symptoms of surement of the acetylcholinesterase
Etiology intestinal obstruction. Failure to thrive activity in the rectal biopsy can be ob-
It is generally agreed that the basic (16.7%)-with weight less than the tained by quantitative biochemical-
defect in Hirschsprung's disease is the fifth percentile-is evident in infants assay. The enzyme activity is signifi-
absence of cephalocaudal growth of who are diagnosed after they reach cantly elevated in Hirschsprung's dis-
the parasympathetic myenteric nerve two months of age.9 ease." Since the normal bowel has
1522 CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 32: JULY 1986
only sporadic ganglion cells in the tions, followed, if necessary, by a tion and management of long standing
distal rectum and anal canal, the rectal biopsy. constipation in childhood. Arch Dis Child
biopsy must be taken 2 cm above the 1976; 51:918- 23.
pectinate line to avoid a false positive Treatment 4. Shaw A, Bosher P, Blair K. Anorectal
manometry for evaluating defecation dis-
diagnosis.2 Once the diagnosis of Hirsch- orders. Va Med 1980; 107:366- 70.
sprung's disease is unequivocally 5. Aaronson I, Nixon HH. A clinical eval-
2. Barium enema established, surgery to bring the gan- uation of anorectal pressure studies in the
Using a barium enema, the most re- glionic bowel down to the anus is in- diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease. Gut
liable radiographic sign of Hirsch- dicated. In the neonate or sick infant, 1972; 13:138- 46.
sprung's disease is the presence of a this extensive procedure is not well 6. Molnar D, Taitz LS, Urwin OM, Wales
rectosigmoid transition zone (59% tolerated. Thus, a colostomy must be JKH. Anorectal manometry results in de-
sensitivity)."2 This is a relatively nar- performed above the aganglionic seg- fecating disorders. Arch Dis Child 1983;
58:257- 61.
rowed aganglionic segment distal to a ment to relieve the obstruction and
dilated normal colon. The use of three permit a delay in the corrective proce- 7. Jarmas AL, Weaver DD, Padilla LM,
Stecker E, Bender HA. Hirschsprung dis-
combined radiographic features-rec- dure. Rapid-section microscopy is ease: etiologic implications of unsuccess-
tosigmoid transition zone, retention of used to determine that ganglion cells ful prenatal diagnosis. Am J Med Gen
barium 24 hours after the enema, and are present at the colostomy site. The 1983; 16:613- 7.
stool mixed with barium-correlates definitive operation is performed 8. Morin PR, Potier M, Dallaire L,
significantly better with the presence when the infant is six to 12 months of Melanson SB, Milunsky A. Prenatal de-
or absence of Hirschsprung's disease age. Older children generally do not tection of intestinal obstruction: deficient
than any one feature alone require the preliminary colostomy, amniotic fluid disaccharidases in affected
fetuses. Clin Genet 1980; 18:217- 22.
(87.5%- 100% accuracy).12 In new- unless the dilated segment is so large
born infants, there is less sensitivity that decompression is necessary to fa- 9. Kosloske AM, Goldthorn JF. Early
in detecting the transition zone, as cilitate anastamosis.19 diagnosis and treatment of Hirschsprung's
disease in New Mexico. Surg Gynecol
there may not have been time for the Obstet 1984; 158:233- 7.
disparity in size to develop between Prognosis 10. Shandling B, Auldist AW. Punch
the dilated proximal colon and the The results of surgery on patients biopsy of the rectum for the diagnosis of
empty distal aganglionic bowel.2 with Hirschsprung's disease are gen- Hirschsprung's disease. J Pediatr Surg
erally satisfactory. Post-operative 1972; 7:546- 52.
3. Anorectal manometry continence is achieved in 11. Boston VE, Dale G, Riley KWA.
Diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease by
The internal anal sphincter provides 91%-97.5% of cases.' The overall quantitative biochemical assay of acetyl-
most of the tone in the anal canal, and post-operative mortality is 1%-3%.l cholinesterase in rectal tissue. Lancet
rectal distention causes reflex relax- For the infant with enterocolitis, it is 1975; 2:951- 3.
ation of the sphincter. This is known as high as 50%.19 12. Rosenfield NS, Albow RC, Mar-
as the rectosphincteric reflex (RSR) Analysis of patients' age at the time kowitz RI, et al. Hirschsprung's disease:
and can be induced by an anorectal of diagnosis has shown that a delay in accuracy of the barium enema examina-
manometer, an atraumatic technique, making the diagnosis leads to a higher tion. Radiology 1984; 150:393-400.
using a balloon device, which induces incidence of enterocolitis.1 13. Callaghan RP, Nixon HH. Megarec-
rectal distention. The RSR is absent in tum. Physiological observations. Arch Dis
patients with Hirschsprung's disease, Conclusion Child 1964; 39:153- 7.
but is present in patients with chronic 14. Meunier P, Marechal JM, Mollard P.
Hirschsprung's disease is an un- Accuracy of the manometric diagnosis of
constipation of other etiologies.13 Hirschsprung's disease. J Pediatr Surg
Studies of the diagnostic value of common cause of a common condi- 1978; 13:411- 5.
anorectal manometry vary in their re- tion. Early detection of the disease
will lead to a much improved quality 15. McPartland FA, Olness K. Diagnostic
sults. In some studies, the RSR was uses of anorectal manometry in pediatrics.
nondiagnostic in about 25% of new- of life and may avert potentially lethal Minn Med 1979; 62:447- 50.
borns and in 8%- 16% of children complications. In an infant or young 16. Morikawa Y, Donahoe PK, Hendren
with Hirschsprung's disease or child with intractable constipation WH. Manometry and histochemistry in
chronic constipation. 14- 16 More recent from birth, which is resistant to con- the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease.
studies using improved manometry servative management, Hirsch- Pediatrics 1979; 63: 865-7 1.
recording techniques report no false sprung's disease is a diagnosis which 17. Loening-Baucke VA. Anorectal man-
negatives or false positives using the needs to be considered and excluded. ( ometry: experience with strain gauge pres-
sure transducers for the diagnosis of
techniques. 17, 18 Hence, according to Hirschsprung's disease. J Pediatr Surg
these latter studies, a normal RSR con- References 1983; 18:595- 600.
fidently excludes Hirschsprung's dis- 1. Ikeda K, Goto S. Diagnosis and treat- 18. Tamate S, Shiokawa C, Yamada C,
ease and renders the barium enema ment of Hirschsprung's disease in Japan. Takeuchi S, Nakahira M, Kadowaki H.
and rectal biopsy unnecessary. 17' 18 An analysis of 1628 patients. Ann Surg Manometric diagnosis of Hirschsprung's
1984; 199:4005. disease in the neonatal period. J Pediatr
Diagnostic approach 2. Shandling B. Congenital megacolon. Surg 1984; 19:285- 8.
In: Behram RE, Vauchan III VC, eds. 19. Leape LL, Holder TM. Hirsch-
A child suspected of having Nelson's textbook of pediatrics . 1 2th ed. sprung's disease. In: Sabiston DC, ed.
Hirschsprung's disease should un- Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, Davis-Christopher's textbook of surgery.
dergo anorectal manometry and/or 1983:910 2. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders,
barium enema as the initial investiga- 3. Clayden GS, Lawson JON. Investiga- 1981: 1376- 7.

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