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Julio Anthony Rivera

Tammy Knott-Silva

KIN 34-30151

January 19, 2020

Muscle Fitness Planning

For this assignment, I have chosen the following workouts that I thought would be great

for a moderate leveled person for the current wellness of my body. I am twenty nine years old

with a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute; This indicates that my maximum heart rate is 191

beats per minute, making my HRR at 131. For my target heart rate for vigorous workouts, the

range is 91.7 to 111.35. Now that I know my target heart rate, I will use this information to

calculate that I am in the zone for each workout. Using a smart watch, this device will allow me

to check my heart rate while I work out without having to do too much calculations here and

there, saving me a lot of time. I will be using my Apple Watch to monitor my heart rate before,

during and after workouts.

Workouts Weights & sets with 10 reps each

First Second Third

Chest 25 lbs. 30 lbs. 35 lbs.

Shoulders 15 lbs. 20 lbs. 25 lbs.

Back 15 lbs. 20 lbs. 25 lbs.

Biceps 10 lbs. 15 lbs. 20 lbs.

Triceps 10 lbs. 15 lbs. 20 lbs.

Squats 60 lbs. 70 lbs. 90 lbs.

After performing each lift/ activity, here are my results:

• Chest: THR – 93, 95, 98

o This workout was not too bad, I was able to lift the weights easily and smoothly. I

was able to breathe properly, exhale when pushing, inhale when bringing the

weights back to my chest. I had a spotter for this one, just to be safe since I was

using the Bench Press. Arms were hot, but not over worked to where they were


• Shoulders: THR – 95, 97, 99

o Doing shoulders was a little more difficult than chest because the muscles that I

am using are not as strong as my chest and they most certainly felt the burn when

doing this workout. I used the bench still, but altered the bench at an incline

position that forced me to lift the bar in the air just like the bench press, but over

my head instead. Although I had a slight difficulty with this workout, I did not get

as sore and my heart rate was not too high. I needed a spotter for this one because

I want to make sure I do not drop any weights on my head.

• Back: THR – 92, 95, 99

o For this workout, I used the Lat-pulldown machine. This works mid back and is

great for slow reps. I did not have too much trouble with this work out either, my

body felt good, I did smooth steady movements with controlled breathing. I did

not need any spotter for this work out because the machine cannot move in any

direction that might cause harm to me.

• Biceps: THR – 93, 94, 96

o I used a curling bar for this work out and did not require any spotters. I used the

inner grip of the bar to have a more focused workout on the target muscle. My

heart rate did not climb up as high as the back, which I was kind of surprised

because doing the Lat-pulldown machine also worked out my biceps too. I was

slightly sore after this but, the soreness did not last too long.

• Triceps: THR – 92, 94, 96

o I was actually surprised how hard this workout was since it was targeting only my

triceps. I used the Bow-flex triceps machine that uses weights and a wire that has

a clip where the handles go. It puts your arm In a flex position and then you

extend your arm towards your back to complete one rep.

• Squats: THR – 98, 101, 106

o For squats, this was a whole different ball game for me, I did not use a spotter for

the first two sets, but the last one I needed one. I could feel my muscles tightening

up as got passed the 5th rep and that’s where my spotter came into action. I could

feel my whole body tightening up to get this bar over my shoulders lifted. I

believe the reason why squats had the highest of heart rates is because I had to use
my whole body for this workout, even though it is targeted for your legs. My legs

were definitely sore after this workout.

Overall, I realized that my body was in pretty good condition based on my heart rate and

my recovery time for all these workouts. My breathing was controlled throughout every workout

and most of the were not too difficult for me to complete. The only workout that I felt impacted

me the most was the leg workout. At first it was easy, but as I put on the heavier weights, I

started to notice that my legs had a little bit of a burning sensation. However, although I felt the

burn, I now know that my legs got the workout that they needed since summer is coming up


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