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Teacher Cel


maricelmar 4 years ago



Lights off stage

Steady moving overhead pattern

House lights on

Voice over: The competition will start any

minute from now. All the contestants and
guests students and requested to come
inside the gym and take your seats.

Voice over: Ladies and gentlemen, we are

here to witness the highlights of English
Festival 2016 – The Search for Mr. & Ms.
Mythical Icon and The Voice.

And this juncture, we would like to request

every to stand for our invocation and
Philippine National Anthem.

1. Invocation : AVP Presentation

2. Philippine National Anthem : AVP

Voice over: Live at the center stage, it’s the

Mr. & Ms. Mythical Icon 2016. Please
welcome our hosts for this afternoon Ms.
Jonabelle Saban & Arvic Gingoyon.

Arvic: A mythical afternoon to each and

everyone here. I’m Arvic.

Jonabelle: And I’m Jonabelle Saban. And

this is…

Both:The English Festival 2016 Closing


Jonabelle: Good afternoon., Arvic!

Arvic : Good afternoon, Belle! You look

quite ravishing today. It’s truly an honor to
share the stage with you and hosting the
English Festival 2016 Closing Program.

Jonabelle: Thank you! I’m to be hosting

this event with you as well, Arvic. Truly,
this is the most awaited event for our
audience. Now, everybody is excited about
the program, right?

Arvic: Absolutely, Belle! They’re probably

crossing their fingers abut who’s winning.
Isn’t that right, everyone? Well, can we
hear a sh0ut from every grade level
starting from grade 7! How about Grade 8!
Grade 9 and finally, grade 10!

Jonabelle: It’s clear to see that everybody is

excited for the program, Arvin! However,
let’s not prolong the agony of waiting.
Now, to formally welcome us in this
afternoon’s event, none of this would have
been possible without his effort and
dedication. Let us welcome the responsible,
loquacious, highly- intelligent and very
talented English coordinator of DVRMNHS,
ladies, and gentlemen, help me in
welcoming, JEROME Ramirez. A round of
applause, please!

Arvic: Thank you so much, sir, for that

heart-warming welcome address. Now, let
give it up , ladies and gentlemen, for our
lovely and handsome Mr. and Ms. Mythical
Icon 2016 candidates in their production
number. Le

Together: Welcome to our much awaited

the Search for Mr. & Ms. Mythical Icon

Jonabelle: To formally open the program,

let’s all welcome our English Coordinator
and a Master Teacher II, Mr. Jerome O.
Ramirez. Let’s give him a round of

Arvic: Thank you, sir, for that warmth


A production number: Dance

(Contestants on their creative wear)

Bright lightning

Jonabelle: Wow! Now this year has surely

got it in for us. As we witness our 16
astonishing and mesmerizing candidates
for this year’s Mr. & Ms. Mythical Icon
2016. I believe it will be a hard time
selecting who will wear the crown for Mr. &
Ms. Mythical Icon.

Arvic: Exactly, Belle! Well, to formally

introduce the Mr. & Ms. Mythical Icon 2016
candidates, let us call on, pair no. 1.

Live Introduction of Candidates

Arvic: Indeed, they will have a hard time in

betting who wins this and who wins that.
But of course, before we start the
competition. Let me call on the woman
who will help me in welcoming our caring,
loving and confidently beautiful with a
heart principal, let’s put our hands
together for Dr. Eileen Irina O. Tayactac.

Jonabelle: Thank you for that ravishing

inspirational message, Mrs Tayactac. Now,
this wouldn’t be a competition if there was
no one to judge, right, Arvic?

Introduction of Judges

Arvic: Precisely, Belle. So help us decide

who among our candidates deserve to the
next Mr. and Ms. Mythical Icon, here is the
panel of judges:


Partner of Sta. Ana. Rivera & Co.

Teacher of University 0f Recoletos
College of Commerce
Tabulator of the Sinulog Grand Parade
Best friend of Mr. Jerome Ramirez

Please put our hands together for Elton G.


Arvic: Our next judge is a

a Bachelor of Science in Hotel and

Restaurant Management in USJR and
Bachelor of Science in Education major in
Social Science with minors in Home
Advisor of Student Body Organization
He is one of the Region VII’s
representative the international Mind
Education Institute in Seoul in the
Republic of Korea in April 2016.

Please help me welcome Mr. Bernardino A.


3rd Judge is Cherry Maine Balagtas

4th Judge is Mr. Vince Ty

Lastly, our fifth judge and our chief judge

worked as

the owner of the Federova’s Bridal shop

Lapulapu City & Cebu City Branch
board councilor League of the
Philippines Cebu City Chapter
Barangay Councilor of Barangay San
Nicolas Proper Cebu City

We are proud to introduce, Hon. Jojo

Alvarado Peralta

There they are! The people who will be

responsible for deciding who will be the
next Mr. and Ms. Mythical Icon.

Arvic: As of now, we will be presenting the

criteria for judging because I’m pretty sure
everybody is wondering how the
candidates will be judged. Aside from that
this pageant is not only merely about
glamor and poise but also defies the
contestant’s character as well.

Jonabelle: Exactly. So, the official criteria

for the Mr. & Mrs. Mythical Icon 2016 will
be as follows:

Beauty and Charm – 40%

Poise and Bearing – 30%

Intelligence and Wit – 20%

Audience Appeal – 10%

Both : A total of 100%

Belle : That’s right. And now hat we have

introduced the panel of judges and have
presented the criteria for judging. We will
now be giving details for minor and major

Arvic: First of all,

Belle: Our candidates will receive the

following minor and major awards. For
minor awards, our lucky candidates will
receive the following


Best in Production number

Best in Casual Wear
Mr. & Ms. Congeniality
Darling of the crowd
Best in Brazilian Attire (ladies)
Best in Formal Attire (men)

For major awards, our fortunate candidates

will receive a trophy and sash for:

Belle: 3rd runner up

2nd runner up
1st runner up

Arvic: And finally, as a grand prize bonus

for our Mr. & Ms. Mythical Icon 2016, they
will receive sashes, trophies, and brand
new cellular phones from Cherry Mobile
sponsored by Globe Company.

Jonabelle: Well, I’d love to have that grand

prize if you ask me Arvic.

Arvic: (laugh) me too, Belle. However,

these awards belong to the candidates. I
just wish we’d receive something as hosts.
Just kidding.

Jonabelle: You have read my mind.

(laugh). And now, to bring you the next
level of excitement, as we give you the
voice: the final battle as we give you the
showdown of finalists. The people who will
be singing here on stage have gone through
so many trials starting from blind

Arvic: It was followed by the battle rounds.

Jonabelle: And finally up until now when

they will be having their last stand as
finalists ad you should find out whether
they will make it or not .Please help me
welcome, the first team coming from Team
Geriza. Let’s give them a thunderous

(Team Fritzie)

Arvic:That was a beautiful performance by

Team Fitzie.I can’t wait t Please help me
welcome, the first up, let me call the team
coming from the great and motivating
coach Team Fritzie Estrera. Here they are.
Let’s give them a thunderous applause.

Arvic: Wow Jonabelle! Did you see that!

That was electrifying performance.

Jonabelle: Absolutely. Am I seeing our

fellow school mates? I thought they are
indeed a real artist like their coaches.

Arvic: At this point, while our candidates

are preparing for their casual and fun wear,
here are the criteria for judging of The
Voice: The Final Showdown.

Jonabelle: Voice – 30%, Pronunciation –

30%, Timing – 10%, Stage Presence 10 % ,
Mastery of the Lyrics 10% and Over-all
Impact 10%.

Arvic: And a total of 100%.

Arvic: Alright, since we’ve already

presented our panel judges and the criteria
for judging. Let us now give you once again
the candidates for Mr. & Ms. Mythical Icon
2016 with their casual and fun wear. Let’s
us put our hands together for
__________. (1-7 pairs)

Jonabelle: Wow Arvic! They are absolutely

captivating! These candidates really
possess the bearing and poise as they did
the walk wearing their casual gowns and

Arvic: Absolutely captivating! At this

juncture, while giving our judges time to
contemplate on who is their bet for best in
casual wear; let’s move on to our The Voice
– Final Showdown to entertain us with
their song number.

Jonabelle: Let us put our hands together

for the contestants of Team Minerva
Yngayo! Why don’t we give them a big big

Arvic: (adlib) Give Comments. Wow! That

was the music and real artist Jonabelle! She
rocks my world.

Jonabelle: You are undoubtedly definitely

right Arvic! They are not just ordinary
students. Here’s more Arvic to serenade us
with a special song numbers … (STUDENT

Jonabelle: Thank you so much. There you

have it ladies and gentlemen. The final
showdown of the Voice has concluded.

Arvic: Who is your bet for the Voice guys?

Well… we will announce later so better yet
stay and enjoy.

At this juncture, we will witness another

intermission number by
____________. (Adlib)

Let’s put our hands together for


Jonabelle: We would like to thank

_________ for providing the
________ to our candidates. (adlib)


At this point, let’s have a last look with our

candidates, our heroes and princess from
the enchanted world with their Brazilian

Belle: Let me call on, Female candidate no.

1-7. Look at how eye-catchy their outfits
are. I believe this year’s Mr. and Ms.
Mythica l Icon is absolutely amazing.

Arvic:I couldn’t agree with you anymore,

Belle. I can just feel the excitement. They
truly look captivating and so charming in
their Brazilian attire. Giving off a
Southern-American feel.

Belle: Definitely, Arvic! Anyway, let’s move

on to the next part after this intermission
number to be presented by ___. Here they
are. Let’s give them a big hand.

(Intermission number)

Arvic: That was a great performance.

Thank you very much for that intermission
number. Moving on, we have already seen
how the candidates carry themselves in
their casual and Brazilian attire, but there
is more. We will see something more
unique about them when they wear their
evening gown.


Jonabelle: My friends help me welcome

once again, our candidates in their evening
gown (ladies) and formal attire (men). This
will be followed the question and answer

Arvic: And once again, give a big round of

applause for female/male candidates no. 1
– 7.

Belle: Look at how mesmerizing they are in

their formal wear. I must say they look

Arvic: You are right. More than beauty and

charm, let us see what they have in store
for us in the question and answer portion. I
know that they have shown their genuine
talents making each and every one of them
stand out on their own. After the question
and answer portion, we will give the minor
awards and choose the top 5 to qualify for
the major awards. (Be flexible on this part,
adlib is necessary.) Let’s move on to our
interview portion.

Again the candidates will answer a

question from our judges, and their
answers will determine their places when
we announce the next Mr. & Ms. Mythical
Icon 2016 later.


Jonabelle: So please step forward as we call

pair no. 1 to pick a question from the bowl a
piece of paper. Give it to us and we will tell
you the judge who will ask a question. Let’s
start with , Mr. /Ms. Candidate no. _.

Mr. Elton Montecillio: What is the

significance of holding competitions, like
Mr. and Ms. Mythical Icon to the
development of students?

Arvic: Next, we have, Ms. /Mr. _. Pair 2

Mr. Bernardino Gabiana: What is the role of

effective communication in promoting
environmental protection all over the

Pair 3 : Cherry Marie Balagtas asks, ” If

crowned Mr. & Ms. Mythical Icon 2016.
what advocacy for the welfare of the youth
would you like to promote? Why?

Pair 4: Vince Ty asks,” What is your stand

on same-sex marriage?

Pair 5: Hon. Jojo Peralta asks,” If you could

change our international language which is
English, what language would it be and

Pair 6: Mr. Vince Ty asks,” How is EDSA

revolution relevant to the modern times?

(It turns/ and finally)… etc

Pair 7: Cherry Maine Balagtas asks,” How

has communication evolved over time?

Jonabelle: Thank you candidates! That

completes the final leg of this pageant!
Now, for the moment you ‘ve all been
waiting for. We will be heading to the
announcement of winners.

Arvic: Congratulations to all the

candidates! We from Don Vicente Rama
Memorial National High School are so
proud of you! Of course, we’d like to thank
Globe once again for providing us the
grand prize for the reigning Mr. & Ms.
Mythical Icon.

Belle: We would like to thank Mrs. Gerisa

Bacalla for giving us the trophy for the
Voice: Showdown of finalist winner.

Arvic: Of course, we would like to thank the

former student teachers from the
University of Visayas for making this event
a truly successful and colorful affair
namely Mr. Charleston Sarte and selected
students who one way or another have
helped us. Starting with Keith Ladera,
Ardel Apao, Alden Belonta Raymound
Sanchez, Caleb Yagonia and St. Lorenzo

Announcement of Winners

For our special awards…

Our award will be given by Mr. Bernardino

Gabiana. It will be awarded to candidates
who best exemplify during their dance
production. Our recipient is no other than
candidate no. ___ Mr. & Ms._______.
Each of them will receive a sash.

Our next award is given to the candidates

whose beauty and charm surprise us on
their chic and brisk casual clothes.

Let us call on Mr. Elton Montecillo to

present the award for Best in Casual Wear.
These awards are given to the candidates
whose beauty and charm surprise us on
their chick and brisk casual clothes. And
now our winners are none other than Mr.
Candidate no. And Ms. Candidate no. __.

Now, let’s call Ms. Cherry Maine Balagtas

to present Mr. & Ms. Congeniality. Our next
award is given to the candidates who
established sincere camaraderie with their
fellow candidates throughout this
competition. Our Mr. & Ms. Congeniality
are ___________.

And now to complete the set of awards, the

candidates who do not only have the
beauty of their fantasy costume and they
have also the ability to carry a costume
with poise and confidence. Our best in
Fantasy Costume. Our Mr. & Ms. Best in
fantasy Costume are candidates no. Mr. &
Ms. ___.

Belle: Our next award is given to those who

have the most appeal to the audience. Our
Mr. & Ms. Darling of the crowd is none
other than Ms. Candidate no. _ & Mr.
Candidate no. _. May we call on Mr. Vince
Ty to give the awards.

Arvic: This next award will be given to the

candidates who not only have the beauty of
their Brazilian attire but also have the
ability to carry their costume with poise

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