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Villastiqui, Paolo Manuel Artadi

Jaul O’Hara Written Output 18/11/19

Messiah College Mascot Pitch

For our presentation, we decided to reintroduce a forgotten character in the
Messiah College archives. Not only are we presenting the character as a mascot, but also
a comic strip that allows the college to feature its fun and creative side.

The origins of the bear is vague, for the most part. We only knew of the bear
because of the stories told to us by the sophomores and third year students. According
to them, the bear was placed in classes, maybe as a class pet. The gimmick went on, but
never gained any significant traction. Hearing from them, Jaul and I decided that maybe
we can bring back the so-called “mascot”, and what better time to introduce it! Not only
do we see it as a mere project for class, we also see this as an opportunity to promote
the school through visual storytelling! Stripping it down to its “bear” elements, the comic
chronicles everyday life in the campus. Taking the values system as foundation for the
comedic medium, it shows that even the most mundane things can have a story behind

The comic is still in the works. The one’s we have now are just “pilots” before we
usher in the real thing. If we get this project approved, we are planning for the comic to a
regular iteration for the school’s Facebook page and website.

Lastly, what is the bear’s origin story (which is based on our take)? In the comic
canon, the stuffed animal is a living thing. The bear rises from its long slumber, and begins
to roam and embody the school policies. It walks, talks, and most importantly, it enforces
the school’s values and policies. The comedic element lies in the idea that the bear is an
idealist when it comes to values. No matter how small or insignificant the violation is, the
bear instantly goes into an exaggerated alert phase! The bear then takes the discipline
into its own hands by either slapping with its fluffy arm, or flying from the heavens to arrest
cheating students. Crazy it may sound, this form of idealism is the focal point of the humor.

To close, we really hope you take consideration of the comic and maybe hear from
you more!

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