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14/ Friday Depart from Malaysia 1010 and arrive London Heathrow 1620

6 Night: London Night city walk

15/ Saturd London City
6 ay 1. Westminster Sta. 附近大笨钟 (Big Ben)、国会大
厦 (Houses of Parliament)、伦敦眼 (The London Eye)、西
敏寺 (Westminster Abbey)
2. Leicester Square Sta.附近国家美术馆 (National Gallery)
原帖地址: 背包客栈自助旅行论
3. 西敏寺 (Westminster Abbey) > Westminster Pier -->
Tower Pier
4. 圣玛格丽特教堂 (St. Margaret’s Church)
5. 泰晤士河遊船 (Thames River Cruise)
6. 伦敦塔 (Tower of London)
7. 伦敦塔桥展览馆 (Tower Bridge Exhibition)
8. 泰晤士河遊船 Tower Pier --> Greenwich; Greenwich -->
Westminster Pier
9. 大英博物馆 (British Museum)

16/ Sunda London City

6 y 1. 汉普顿宫 (Hampton Court Palace) 哥伦比亚花市、海德公园
2. 圣保罗大教堂 (St. Paul’s Cathedral)
3. 柯芬园 (Covent Garden) 肯辛顿花园(蛇型艺廊)、红砖巷市
集、Spitalfields Market,牛津街逛逛
4. 中国城 (China Town)
17/ Mond Oxford or Cambridge day trip
6 ay
18/ Tuesd Morning: London city
6 ay Afternoon: Depart to Paris

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