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What is water pollution?
Source and Cause of water pollution in
Effect of water pollution
Controlling and solution water pollution
Water is the most element among the natural
resource, and is crucial for the survival of all
living organisms. The environment, economic
growth and develop, are all highly influenced by
What is water pollution?
 Water Pollution
When something is added to environment that makes it
unclean or unsafe it is called pollution. Water Pollution
occurs when the water becomes over loaded with too
much of one thing and the aquatic organisms cannot keep
up with their cleaning responsibilities. Some organisms may
die and others grow to fast. There are many types and
sources of water pollution (such as sewage pollution) that
can pollute surface water or groundwater.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
There are several majors types of water
One of most destructive type is petroleum
pollution. Petroleum products, such as oil and
gasoline, enter the water from the ships and marine
terminals, offshore oil rigs, run off from parking
lots, factories, oil dumping, and other source. Many
of the worst pollution disasters have been due to
accidents involving oil rigs, pipelines, or oil tankers.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
Nutrients Pollution
Some wastewater, fertilizes and sewage contain
high levels of nutrients. If they up in water
bodies, they encourage algae and weed growth
in the water. This will make the water
undrinkable, and even clog filters. Too much
algae will also use up all the oxygen in the water,
and other water organisms in the water will die
out of the oxygen starvation.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
 surface water pollution
Surface water includes natural found on earth’s
surface, like rivers, lakes, lagoons and oceans.
Hazardous substances coming into contact with
this surface water dissolving or mixing physically
with the water can be call surface water
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
 Oxygen depleting
Water bodies have micro-organisms. These includes
aerobic and anaerobic organisms. When to much
biodegradable matter(things that easily decay) end
up in water, it encourages more microorganisms
growth, and they use up more oxygen in the water.
If oxygen is depleted, aerobic organisms die, and
anaerobic organisms grow more to produce
harmful toxins such as ammonia and sulfides.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
 Ground water pollution
when human apply pesticides and chemicals to
soils, they are washed deep in to the ground by
rain water. This get to underground water,
causing pollution underground. This mean when
we dig wells and bore holes to get water from
underground, it need to be checked for the
ground water pollution.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
 Microbiological
in many communities in world, drink untreated
water (straight from a river or stream).
Sometime there is natural pollution caused by
micro-organisms like viruses, bacteria and
protozoa. This natural pollution can cause fishes
and other water life to die. They can also cause
serious illness to human who drink from such
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
 Suspended Master
Some pollutants(substances, particle and
chemicals) do not easily to dissolve in water.
This kind of material is called particulate matter.
Some suspended pollutants later settle under
the water body. This can harm and even kill
aquatic life that live at end floor of water bodies.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
Chemical water pollution
Many industry and farmers work with chemical
that end up in water. This is common with point
source pollution. These include chemical that
used to control weeds, insects and pests.
Metals and solvents from industries can pollute
bodies. These are poisonous to many forms of
aquatic life and may slow their development,
make them infertile and kill them.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
Oil Spillage
Oil spillage usually have only a localize effect on
wildlife but can spread for miles. The oil can
cause the death to many fish and get stuck to
the feathers of seabirds causing them to their
ability to fly.
Source and cause of water
pollution in Cambodia
Fertilizes and Pesticides
The use fertilizer and pesticides on cropland, garden and
yards helps farm and homeowners but can also be
damaging to aquatic and marine life when not properly
applied or manage in rural and urban areas. Poorly
managed Animal Waste from farm can also add excess
nutrients to rivers and lakes. In addition runoff from farm
lands and urban areas carries large amounts of sediment
into waterways making the water cloudy or murky.
Sediment is the number one pollutant by volume of
surface water in Cambodia.
Effect of water pollution
 The effect of water are different types
water pollution are complex and, in many cases,
not well understood. Different organisms may
respond different to the same type of pollution.
Some form of pollution are long lasting while other
are short-lived. Other factor such as temperature,
rainfall and water flow may influence effects of
pollution. One thing is certain, different types of
pollution can effect the environment in many ways.
Effect of water pollution

 Pollution effect to Environment

You have seen news report showing an oil covered
beach or scenes of polluted water near factories
and urban areas. There may be other visible.
Examples of water pollution near your home. Some
types of pollution are easily seen and identified.
Other types may go completely unnoticed until
they cause major problems. Water in lake, creek or
river may look clean, but it may contain a number
of pollutant.
Effect of water pollution
 Pollution effect to human
Most population are located near major
waterways. These area were first settled cause
of their access to water, but there is continuing
nationwide trend for people to move to area
near coast or major rivers. This movement more
stress on aquatic environment as more people
use water resources for recreation, food, water
sources, energy and transportation.
Effect of water pollution
 Effect of water resource
can interfere with swimming and fishing activities,
make boating unsafe, affect wildlife and food
resource even contaminate water supplies. Lakes,
river and coastal area are much more enjoyable and
safe when they are pollution free. Not only you to
benefit from a pollution free environment, but
organisms that live there do as well. It is every
person’s responsibility to clean up after themselves.
Throw away their trash and to pick-up any other
litter they see.
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
You can help
Never throw rubbish away anyhow . Always look
for the correct waste bin. If there is none
around, please take home and put it in your
trash can. This includes places like the beach,
waterside and water bodies.
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
Use water wisely
Do not keep tap running when not in use. Also
you can reduce the amount of water you can
use in washing and bathing. If we do all this, we
can significantly prevent water shortages and
the amount of dirty water that needs treatment.
Controlling and solution of water
Chemicals, oil
Do not throw chemical, oil, paints and medicines
down the sink drain, or the toilet. In many cities,
your local environment office can help with the
disposal of medicines and chemicals.
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
Recycling trash
Buy more environment safe cleaning liquids for
use at home and other public places. They are
less dangerous to the environment.
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
Chemical and pesticides
If you use chemical and pesticides for your
garden and farms, mindful not to overuse
pesticides and fertilizers. This will reduce
runoffs chemical into nearby water source.
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
Water body
If you live close to water body, try to plants lots
of trees and flower around your home, so that
when it rains, chemical from your home does
not easily drain into the water.
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
 Solution
science provides many practical solutions to minimizing
the present level at which pollutants are introduced in to
the environment and for remediating(clean-up) past
problems. All of these solutions come with some
cost(both societal and monetary). In ours everyday lives,
a great deal can be done to minimize pollution if we take
care to recycle material whose production creates and
create pollution and if we act responsibly with household
chemicals and their disposal. In addition, we have four
section to solve
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
 Identify source and types of pollution
 Determine amount of concentration of pollution
 Study the effects of pollution
 Recommend safe pollution level
 Study and design pollution control methods
 Develop pollution remediation and clean up plans
 Monitor effectiveness of clean-up efforts
 Research new treatment technologies
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
Legislators/state Agencies
 Support research/education
 Enact laws that limit pollution level
 Levy fine and penalities against polluters
 Coordinate state pollution control efforts
 Create environmental protection plans
 Provide mechanism to monitor pollution control
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
 Citizen groups/People
 Lobby for beneficial laws
 Educate public of population dangers
 Identify source of pollution and notify authorities and
 Encourage consumer conservation and recycling
 Volunteer to clean up pollute area
 Participate in citizen volunteer water quality
monitoring programs
 Provide public information
Controlling and solution of
water pollution
 Industries
 Support education programs, wildlife preserves, etc
 Establish quality control to limit pollution
 Develop recycling programs
 Fine commercial use for wastes and byproducts
 Research and better production methods
 Monitor water quality of discharges
 Work with the general public to protect natural resources.

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