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What an awesome feeling to be standing here before you, with the privilege to share my heart and
thoughts, now that I will be graduating. Good afternoon everyone. My name is Janna, and I am a Star

Before I came to Star Kids DLC, I was naughty and I always talk back. In my opinion, I was a bad kid.
My first few weeks in SKDLC, making friends was really a struggle.

Star Kids DLC is very intentional in sharing the Gospel to us, the Good News. But before I knew about
Jesus Christ, I would always lie, disobey, and disrespect my parents, grandparents, and other people who
were older than me. And that is why I am so blessed to be in this school. When I came to Star Kids DLC,
my life began to change. It started little by little. They taught us about God. They would always remind us
about how important God is in our lives. We were taught to share God’s Word and to set a good example
to others. Then I saw changes in me after I accepted Jesus in my heart. I lied less, obeyed more, and
respected my parents, grandparents, and other people who were older than me. I am so happy with the
BRAND NEW ME! My life turned out differently. I AM A CHILD OF GOD. From then on, I was already
looking forward to our Bible Hour. I loved memorizing verses from the Bible. And I liked reading the

Jesus changed me through Star Kids DLC. MY LIFE HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME.

I am happy to see myself graduate from a school called STAR KIDS DLC. The most important lesson I’ve
learned is to always put your faith in GOD. I will miss everything in SKDLC. Teachers, thank you for
everythingp, because you have given your all for us. To my dear friends, thanks for being there for me.
Mom and Dad, thank you for everything. And to my SKDLC Family, thank you for your love.

Again I am Janna, once a bad kid who always talks back, but now a Star Kid, who, by God’s grace, has
been changed from the inside out.

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