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by:Maryrose Noval

Jessie- the father
Myrna-the mother
Jayson-the son
Myla- the daughter

In the farthest barrio of Ballangay. Live one family name Jessie and Myrna. They have two children
named Jayson and Myla. They belong to a poor family. Their house is very small and they are very poor
they strive hard to planting any root crops like sweet potatoes, cassava and they also planting a any kind
of vegetables besides the river in which they take for their food.
Jessie and Myrna wanted their children that they will educated, so they send their children to school
even if it was very far from them. Everyday during school days Jayson and Myrna accompany their
children to go to school. After that they leave their child in school they return in their place to find food for
Jayson and Myla are bringing their food for lunch. Do you know what's is their food? their food in
luch is boiled sweet potato or boiled cassava. Their classmate always laugh because of their food. But the
two children did not listen for them. What they do is just eat and study for the lesson and they don't mind
what their's classmate say for them.
Year's pass by because of their sacrifice they graduated their high school, Jayson graduate as
valedictorian and Myla graduate as salotatorian. Jessie and Myrna was very proud of their children
because despite of their situation, their hardships they graduated as that. When Jason delivered his
valedictory address many people cried and fell pitty for them. Untill one person talk to the parents and
offer that they will help the two children to pursue in college.
But Jayson and Myla they don't want that they leave their parents. What they do is Monnday to Friday
they help their parents planting and cleaning after that they harvest the vegetables and the root crops they
sell it to the town even though the place was far from the barrio. Then on Saturdays they will go down and
study on college. Days passed by untill became years, no one can believe that Jayson and Myla was
finished already their studies. Even though their food is only boiled sweet potato and boiled cassava and
because of the struggle came in their life and now Jayson became a manager in the big company in the
Manila and Myla became a successful teacher of their town.


``Poverty is not the hindrance to success''

Moral Lesson

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