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Davao Marianne PreSchool

Jacinto – Aurora Sts. Davao City

4th Monthly Exam

Name:__________________________________ Date:________
Subject::Science K1_______________________ Score:_______

I - Oral: Give the name of the young of the following animals.

1. __________ 6. __________

2. __________ 7. __________

3. __________ 8. __________

4. __________ 9. __________

5. __________ 10. __________

II - Underline the correct answer.

1. leaf fruit

2. stem roots

3. fruit stem

4. roots stem

5. fruit flower

III - Underline the correct weather that corresponds the picture.

1. rainy cloudy

2. stormy cloudy

3. rainy sunny

4. cloudy stormy

5. windy rainy

IV - Encircle the pictures of the things we wear on rainy day.

V - Check the things that we wear on sunny day.
VI - Match the pictures with the correct time of the day.
Connect with a line.


VII - Draw what can you see in the sky during:

A. Daytime

B. Nighttime

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