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Miguel Sebastian T.



“The Quest for Adarna”

The Quest for Adarna, the story is based on a Filipino poem given life on the 16th century by Jose de la
Cruz. It is about amagical bird. On December 7, 2019 there was a play held at Greenbelt Mall. It was
directed by joy Virata, assisted by Co-directors Jamie Wilson and Naths Everett. The company who
organized this play and event is called Repertory. The story tells a lot of values that we could apply in
our daily lives, especially in school and in our surroundings.The leads of the play “The Quest for Adarna”
is Carla Guevara as the ibong adarna. The other characters were played by Arion Sanchez, Jim Ferrer and
Ade Valenzon as Prince Pedro. Luis Marcelo, Sean Nolasco as Prince Diego. Leo guinid, Diego Aranda,
and Neo Rivera as Prince Juan. Jay Barrameda, Noel Rayos, Steven Hotchkiss, and Naths Everett as

The play was really fun and fit for all ages! Many people had fun even parents enjoyed the show. The
actors entertained the audience very well and they also interacted with the audience. It is a very
informative story. The play was by far the most entertaining, unlike the other previous play. You can see
from the character’s faces that they really love what they are doing, they are making the children and
their audience happy and just having a great time. You can tell in their performance that they are
professionals and had been doing their jobs for a long time and they love it.

The play was very successful and had no technical issues. The characters were committed on what they
are doing and they are making sure that all of the audience is having a wonderful time with their family,
especially the kids who appears to like the show dearly. The story of the play was very detailed and was
understandable, the story it had on paper was performed elegantly in the play. Most of the Bosconians
already knew the story for it was assigned as a lesson during the Grade 7 years, that’s why the higher
grade levels can tell what's gonna happen in the next scene. It was all just a matter of making sure that
the play was accurate and in line with the original story. The characters were played and acted
wholeheartedly as well, the costumes were fabulous and the vocals fit their looks. The Director of the
play indeed have chosen the right people to assign for the roles. The Ibong Adarna was the most
wondrous character for me. It was colorful and bright, and its tree is also filled with Christmas lights and
other various kinds of lighting to make it look even more grandiose and magnificent. The audio
equipment is very impressive too. Accurate music and sound effects are played at the right time. The
character’s voices fit their role and are exactly what the audience wants it to be. It mingles well with the
scenario, they change the music to denote when it will be sad, happy, adventurous, or tragic.The lighting
is one of the most memorable from the play because it very well set the mood of every scene. Not too
bright and also is not too dim. It is very nice and we could tell that they had skilled lighting staff and
audio handlers. For me, what piqued my interest most in the play was the Ibong Adarna, how elegantly
and colorful was it designed, as well as the actor who played the role of The Ibong Adarna is a
professional. The tree of the Ibong Adarna stands out for it necessarily is not a tree per se, but is a tall
arrangement of silver blocks and designs that fits the silver tree of the adarna within the story. Another
thing to point out was that the “silver tree” was actually massive, normally those kinds of props would
be disorienting to the audiences, but the play went ever so smoothly and gracefully, with the Adarna
sitting atop and people dancing all around, an observable balance and immense teamwork is present.

The acting brought the play to life because the characters were so talented it was like I myself is within
the world of the play. It was very exciting the characters interacted with the audience and made them
do something especially the kids. The mood of the characters were so joyful and full of empathy. They
just smiled all throughout the play, if they sang, they would sing smiling, if they ran, they would run
smiling, every action they did was with a smile, which mind you is not easy. The play was very much
worth seeing, even though the tickets were expensive, it was still worth the money. All the audience
including children, teens, and parents enjoyed the show. It was really interesting and very fun to watch.
The play imparts a lot of values that will give the audience a lesson to bring in their life. The characters
were so kind at the end of the play to the point they are tired yet they still smiled after the play and
willingly took pictures with the people, especially the children. The play was overall very exciting, fun,
and , I would give it a 10/10 for it was a success and unique in every way.

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