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125 It Pays to Serve Jesus. B.4.c. ‘COPYRIGHT, 1804, BY JNO R. SWENEY. Ell G. Chrlety, A, = 1. It pays to sorve Jo-sus,—I speak from my heart; He'll al - ways bo 2. And oft when I’m tempted to turn from the track, I think of my 3. There’sa place that remembrance still brings back to mo, *T was there I found ! 4, How rich is the bless-ing the world can - not givo; I’m sat - is~fied with us, if we do our part; Thero’s nanght in this wide world can Sav - ior— my mind wan-ders back ‘To the placo where they nailed Him on par-don,—*twas heay-en to me; There Je - sus spoke sweetly to full-y for Je- sus to live; Tho? friends may for -sake me and + ras . SSS Sa SF Q FIDE. pleas-ure af-ford, Thore’s peace and con-tent-ment in sorv-ing the Lord. Cal - va-ry’s treo—I hear a voice eay-ing: I euf-fered for theo! my wear-y soul, My sins were for-giv - en, Hemade my heart whole, tri- als a-rise, P’mtrust-ing in Jo -sus—His love nev -er dios, = = Late D.S.—ev-er the cost, I'l be @ true sol-dier,—I'll die at my post. Czorvs. D.S. = ao jt = : f = sae love Himfac bet er then in age of zor, 3 T'll serve Him more traly than ev - er be-fore, Sl do es Hobids mo,what- a we 3 # :

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