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Abu Dhabi Educational council Grade: 4

Baraem AlAin private school

First trimester-worksheet


a a t s c d x x v g f d s a r b y

h m u t r i c e r a t o p s k n u

e m v e y p a r a r s p l a n t s

r m l g t l r y l s f z p i o m p

b s z o r o n t y r g c o g i n i

i w z s f d i n o s a u r s u b k

v e q a d o v t c l h v i l y v e

o r r u o c o d l e g v u m d c s

r t r r p u r x v p j r y e s x f

e y t u s s e c l o k i t a t z y

k g u s a o h o r n l y r t a d r

Key words:

1- Diplodocus
2- Stegosaurus
3- Triceratops
4- Leg
5- Spikes
6- Horn
7- Meat
8- Plants
9- Dinosaur
Abu Dhabi Educational council Grade :4

Baraem AlAin private school

first trimester-worksheet Date:….. /………/….….


Complete the following sentences:

1- Triceratops had three of these on its face. ………………………………………

2- This animals eat plants not meat. ………………………………………
3- Diplodocus and t-rex are kinds of ………………………………………
4- Diplodocus used its long tail to ………………………… with other animals.
5- Stegosaurus had …………………………at the end of its tail.


t-rex triceratops






Dinosaurs cannot be found on the earth 200 million years ago,

they were some of the only things found on the earth. The word
dinosaur actually means “terrible lizard”. They lived for a very long
while. Until about 65 million years ago, when there was a mass
extinction of dinosaurs.
Some dinosaurs were carnivores, which ate meat, and some were
herbivores, which ate plants. There were many different types of
species of dinosaurs, such as the Brontosaurs, Pterodactyl, t-rex and
triceratops. Scientists learn about them by studying their fossils that
they dig up from the ground.

Answer the following questions:

1- What is the meaning of the word “dinosaur”?

2- How do scientists learn about dinosaurs?
3- Are there dinosaurs living on the earth nowadays?

Write TRUE or FALSE:

1-carnivores are animals that eat plants. ( )

2-T-rex and triceratops were types of dinosaurs. ( )
What is the fish?
Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates. Vertebrates are animals with a
They live in the water and have swum in the oceans for millions of years.
Fish have fins and tail that they use for swimming and balance.
Fish breathe air through their gills and have scales to protect them
from other animals.
Fish come in all shapes and size, from the enormous whale shark to the
tiny stout infant fish. Some fish live in rivers, lakes, oceans or ponds.
Some fish swim near the surface and some swim at the bottom of the
Tropical ocean fish are the most colorful of all creatures. They use
their bright colors to hide from other animals in the coral.
Answer the questions:

What is vertebrates?
Where do fish live?
What does the underlined word “they” refer to?
Write two places where fish live.
1- …………………………………………… 2- ……………………………………………………………

Complete from the passage:

1-Fish are …………………………………………… vertebrates.

2-Fish have ………………… and ……………………… that help them for
…………………………… and …………………………………… .
3-tropical ocean fish are the most …………………… of all creatures.
Shopping with Mum

Ben was unhappy. His baby sister had a cold and his grandma
was coming to look after her while his mum went shopping, and he had
to go as well. he wore his clothes and followed his mum. It was a
sunny day. Mum parked her car and went into the supermarket. It
took a long time to do the shopping and Ben felt tired. When they
finished he helped his mum to put the bags in the car.
“you’ve been very helpful” said mum, “would you like to go to the
When they arrived Ben chose strawberry flavor with vanilla ice
cream. It was delicious.

Answer the following questions:

Why was Ben unhappy?

Who looked after his baby sister?
Did the shopping take a long time?

Write TRUE or FALSE:

Ben was happy because his sister had cold. ( )

Ben was very helpful. ( )
Ben demanded chocolate and banana ice cream. ( )
Vocabulary and grammar
Complete the passage:

(herbivores-four- was- plants- couldn’t- were- meat- ate- two)

There ………………… different kinds of dinosaurs. Most of them had

……………………… and some of them had ………………… small legs as arms.
Most dinosaurs …………………… plants they were called …………………… and
the others ate ………………………… they were called carnivores.
Diplodocus was a kind of dinosaurs. It ………………………… run fast. It had
a long neck and a long tail.


Write ( who- which) :

1- A scientist is someone …………………studies science and discover new

2- A writer is someone …………………… writes stories
3- A pen is something ……………………… we write.with.
4- A teacher is a person ……………………… helps you to learn new things.
5- Dinosaurs were animals ……………………… are now extinct.
6- An architect is someone ……………………… designs buildings.
7- A book is something ……………………… you can read.
8- A paper is something……………………… you can write in.
9- A brother is a someone ………………………… plays and lives with.

Jumbled the letters and write the word:

Kicuq ……………………………… yehav …………………………

Lalms ……………………………… tuqie …………………………
Almain …………………………… tcineists ……………………
Ptnofotirs …………………… npiosouso……………………
Arteivsel……………………… sicdvreo …………………….
Reorder the following words:

dinosaurs- Did- meat- eat?

live- Where- dinosaurs- did?
run- Could- fast- dinosaurs?
different-dinosaurs- There- kinds- were-of.
run- Some-fast-dinosaurs-could.
spikes-Stegosaurs-the end-had- tail- at-its-of.
animals-Carnivores- that-meat- are- eat.
horns- face-had- Triceratops- three- its- on.
tail- Diplodocus – animals- had-a long- fight- other- to.
millions- Dinosaurs- years- lived- of- ago.
Write about “day at the library “ :
When did you go?
Which books did you read?
Who went with you?
What did you feel?

Write about “ facts about dinosaurs”.

Where did they live?
What did they eat?
How do scientists learn about them?
What kinds of dinosaurs did you know?

Write about “a trip with my school”

Where did you go?

When did you go?
How did you go?
What did you eat?
What did you feel?
Write about this dinosaur:

For fun
Help them to go to the park

Best wishes

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