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Good evening My teachers and friends,

Today I am going to tell a mall story of a Lion and fox my story name is “The
talking cave “
The talking Cave

Once upon a time there lived an old and weak lion in the
forest, one day he was wandering through the forest in search of food, like most
days, he could not find any, so the sad lion was returning to his own cave, then
he saw another empty cave, suddenly the lion felt an idea “if I stay here
when the owner of the cave return I will pounce on it and will make as my food.
And the lion waited in the cave, after a while a clever fox came towards the
cave and he noticed that the footprint of a lion was going in and there were no
footprints coming out of the cave.
The lion still inside? the fox thought, he decided to check “good evening
cave ‘’ the fox called out, ‘’I am back , you promised me to greet every time I
come home, what is the matter with you’’, the fox asked again.
The lion becomes confused and thought himself, is it because of me that the
cave is not replying? but he still kept silent. then the fox said again, “if you do
not greet me, I will go away”, now the lion afraid of losing his prey, so he
greeted back the fox.
The fox laughed and said “You fool, the cave does not speak, I will never come
back again”, After that, the fox ran away and the poor old lion became fool.

Moral of the story:

Use your wit to protect yourself from unwanted danger.

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