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Product Target

The product to be produced is Loundry services. The quality of this laudry service is a separate
washing process for each customer. The results of the laundry are clean, fragrant, neat, smooth
and ready to use. In accordance with the capacity of production equipment, the products that can
be produced are in accordance with the targeted number of consumers, assuming work (30
working days / month).

Customers target

The target customers are teenagers who live in boarding houses with an average target of 540
people per month or 6480 people per year.

Reveneu target

The amount of net income to be obtained every month is a minimum of Rp. 1,000,000.

SWOT Analysis

● Strength :
The strength of this business is that we are very committed to guaranteeing customer satisfaction
at an affordable price and how to provide maximum service (on time, clean, and responsive to
consumer complaints).
● Weakness :
The weakness of this business is that our business is still new, so laundry equipment such as
washing machines that we have are still limited
● Opportunity :
The opportunity of this business is considering its location in the educational area which we
already know that many students need this laundry service.
● Threat :
The threat that may arise is that more and more competitors are emerging and offering lower
prices compared to our business.

Determination of Cost

Every kilogram (Kg) of laundry clothes we give a price of Rp. 3,000 for a regular laundry service
package and Rp. 5,000 for lightning laundry services and business targets every day 36 kg or 1,080 kg /

Required Investment / Fixed Cost

No Nama Barang Jumlah Harga satuan Total Harga

1. Mesin cuci LG WP-

700N, 7Kg 2 buah Rp. 1.600.000 Rp. 3.200.000

2. Mesin Pengering
Modena MD-650, 1 buah Rp. 3.500.000 Rp. 3.500.000
kapasitas 7Kg

3. Setrika Cosmos 2 buah Rp. 75.000 Rp. 150.000

4. Meja + alas setrika 2 buah Rp. 550.000 Rp. 1.100.000

5. Timbangan Digital
1 buah Rp. 450.000 Rp. 450.000
Max 20Kg

6. Ember sedang 4 buah Rp. 50.000 Rp. 200.000

7. Keranjang 4 buah Rp. 25.000 Rp. 100.000

Meja + Alat-alat
8. Komplit Rp. 500.000 Rp. 500.000

9. Media Promosi
( Spanduk, brosur , Komplit Rp. 350.000 Rp. 350.000
Papan Nama )

10. Hanger + jepitan 10 pak Rp. 15.000 Rp. 150.000

11. Tali tambang 100 m Rp. 1.000 Rp. 100.000

12. Rak Besi Siku 1 buah Rp. 500.000 Rp. 500.000

No Nama Barang Jumlah Harga satuan Total Harga

Peralatan Listrik
13. ( rol, terminal, Komplit Rp. 200.000 Rp. 200.000
lampu, kabel )

TOTAL Rp. 10.500.000

Operational Needs every month / variable cost

No Nama Barang Banyaknya Harga Satuan Jumlah

1 Detergen 25 Kg Rp. 10.000 Rp. 250.000

2 Pelicin setrika 10 botol Rp. 10.000 RP. 100.000

3 Plastic 5 Rol Isi 100 Rp. 30.000 RP. 150.000

4 Plester Besar 1 buah Rp. 10.000 RP. 10.000

5 Alat tulis Paket - RP. 20.000

6 Tas Kresek 10 Bungkus Rp. 5000 RP. 50.000

7 Listrik - - RP. 350.000

8 Softener+bibit 6 Liter Rp. 20.000 RP. 120.000


9 Sewa Tempat - - RP. 500.000

10 Upah Pegawai 3 orang Rp. 500.000 RP. 1.500.000

11 Lain-lain - - RP. 500.000

Total Rp 3.550.000

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