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1. In a few paragraphs explain the connections and differences between
the products/services offered by this company.
1. Products are tangible – they are physical, you can touch, see, feel and smell them. Services
are intangible. Often part of the challenge of marketing services is creating tangible
elements that connect the consumer to the service brand.
2. Need vs. Relationship. Products tend to fill a need or want for the customer. Marketing
services is more often about building relationships and trust. When you buy a car, you leave
with the car and continue to see it and use it. When you leave your doctor’s office, you
might not have anything to take away from the transaction.
3. One vs. Many. Physical products usually come in many formulations. Clothes come in
different styles, colors, sizes. Dog food comes in different ingredient combinations. Services
typically do not offer multiple formulations. As a doctor’s visit is a doctor’s visit, whether you
are going for tennis elbow or diabetes. (You might choose different service providers, but
the basic elements will be the same.)
4. Comparing Quality. It is much harder for consumers to evaluate the quality of the service
received than the quality of a product purchase. If you buy an anti-dandruff shampoo and
you have less dandruff, it works. But did you lawyer draw up a good divorce for you? You
might not know until you get down the road (or back in court.)
5. It is much easier to return a product than a service, because a service is consumed as it is
offered. It can be done, but it is usually much harder for the consumer.
6. Every day that a service is offered and not consumed is lost forever. If I don’t sell my hotel
room tonight, I cannot ever sell it – it is gone forever. Products on the other hand have a
longer life. If I put a box of cookies on the shelf and don’t sell it today, I can still sell it for
some period of time beyond today.

2. Describe how you can effectively refer customers to other products/services

within the organisation so their needs are met. And also of the organisation if
they are unable to provide a certain products/services the customer may
require. Provide an example using the company you researched in question 1
to base your answers on.

In order to market your product or service, it is imperative that you tailor your marketing
and sales efforts to specifically reach the segment of population that will most likely buy
your product or service. It is critical that you first determine or clearly identify your primary
market. Your energies and funds then can be spent more efficiently.
If you don’t know who your customers are, how will you be able to assess whether you are
meeting their needs? Since success depends on your being able to meet customers’ needs
and desires, you must know who your customers are, what they want, where they live and
what they can afford.
We’ve all heard a business owner say, "My product is terrific! It appeals to everyone." Many
of us have also seen small businesses that try to be all things to all people. This is a difficult,
if not impossible, bridge to cross.
Comparing Quality. It is much harder for consumers to evaluate the quality of the service received
than the quality of a product purchase. If you buy an anti-dandruff shampoo and you have less
dandruff, it works. But did you lawyer draw up a good divorce for you? You might not know until you
get down the road (or back in court.)

Briefly discuss the company’s

3. Policies surrounding the collection and use of customer information,

privacy and confidentiality.
When we collect your personal information it must be reasonably necessary
for, or directly related to, 1 or more of our functions or activities.
The authority provided by the legislation we administer also allows us to
collect your personal information.
In addition to requesting information from you, we may also obtain
information about you and your family from other government agencies and
third parties.
Any personal information we receive from a third party is treated the same as
if you provided it.
The collection of your personal information is detailed in our privacy policy.
Use of information
Your personal information will be used in accordance with the Privacy Act. It
will not be used for any purpose other than why it was collected. We may use
your personal information if:
 it is authorised or required by law
 you have consented to the use
 the use meets one of the other exceptions in the Australian Privacy
When your personal information is collected, you will usually be advised of its
intended use at the point of collection. Your information may also be used by
our other services, as authorised or required by law.
4. Research a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) and write
about the features and benefits of this system. Include the name of the
system, what types of information can be stored in the system and any
limitations the system may have.

A CRM system is a business tool that allows you to manage all your customers,
partners and prospects information all in one place. The Sales
Cloud (’s CRM system) is a secure cloud based CRM system that
can help every part of your business get a 360 degree view of your customer.
For example, it helps:
 sales teams close deals faster
 marketing manage campaigns and track lead generation
 service call centres reduce the time to resolve customer complaints

The CRM system definition, then, would be a set of software applications that help an
organization determine the needs and preferences of their customers by managing,
organizing, tracking and storing all customer interactions. CRM systems use advanced
technology to replace the handwritten, manual documentation processes of the past. CRM
systems allow users to document everything, from simple contact information to specific
conversations with customers.

You can’t define CRM systems without mentioning some of the key customer
management services and benefits it offers organizations. Here are a few:
 Manage customer contact information
 Organize customer interactions in a central location
 Track customer habits, actions and preferences
 Weaken expense and business risk
 Measure success of campaigns
 Provide instant metrics
 Manage customer service requests
 Track industry trends
 Create more personalized customer experiences

5. How would you make sure that information in your CRM or other customer
service-related database is current and up to date?
Cloud-based systems provide real-time data to sales agents at the office and in
the field as long as a computer, smartphone, laptop or tablet connects to the
Internet. The convenience of this type of system has a trade-off. If the
company goes out of business or faces acquisition, access to customer
information may become compromised. A business might have compatibility
issues when and if it migrates to a different vendor for this kind of software.
6.How do you know if it is okay to send a customer marketing collateral about
your ordanisation?
From the organization's point of view, this entire relationship encompasses direct
interactions with customers, such as sales and service-related processes,
and forecasting and analysis of customer trends and behaviors. Ultimately, CRM serves to
enhance the customer's overall experience.

With the growth of the Internet and related technologies, customers are concerned over
the privacy and safety of their personal information. Therefore, businesses need to ensure
the storage and analysis of their customer data has the highest levels of protection against
cyber criminals, identity theft and other breaches of security.

7. Imagine you had a new products/services being launched. How would you
use your CRM or other system to determine what customers to target?
Analyze your product/service.
Write out a list of each feature of your product or service. Next to each
feature, list the benefits it provides (and the benefits of those benefits). For
example, a graphic designer offers high-quality design services. The benefit is a
professional company image. A professional image will attract more customers
because they see the company as professional and trustworthy. So ultimately,
the benefit of high-quality design is gaining more customers and making more
Once you have your benefits listed, make a list of people who have a need that
your benefit fulfills. For example, a graphic designer could choose to target
businesses interested in increasing their client base. While this is still too
general, you now have a base to start from.

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