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Often times, anger is viewed as an unsafe and unproductive emotion.

Only bad can

come from an “angry person.” In reality, anger can be a safe, helpful and positive
tool to help us resolve issues, feel more confident and communicate what we are
feeling and thinking — when used appropriately. Anger can help other people see
that something is not right and resolutions and answers can be created through
communication. Anger does not always have to be viewed as “bad” when it is used
in a constructive way.
When anger is addressed correctly and safely, it can be a great tool to facilitate
communication, make change and find resolution to the things that cause us
discomfort. When our anger is not used in a healthy way, or it is ignored, it can
cause difficulties, not only with ourselves, but with our physical health and
personal relationships. Anger can often mask other feelings that we are too nervous
or afraid to deal with, like sadness, disappointment, fear and hurt.
When feeling distressed and annoyed, we must always remember to breathe,
breathe, breathe, and try to relax our minds and our bodies. Developing a personal
filter is also helpful in making us think before we react. Our words have lasting
effects on those we direct them to, both positively and negatively. We need to be in
control of our thoughts, our feelings and our reactions. We need to ask ourselves if
what we are about to say is helpful or hurtful. Words are hard to take back.
When feeling distressed and annoyed, we must always remember to breathe,
breathe, breathe, and try to relax our minds and our bodies. Developing a personal
filter is also helpful in making us think before we react. Our words have lasting
effects on those we direct them to, both positively and negatively. We need to be in
control of our thoughts, our feelings and our reactions. We need to ask ourselves if
what we are about to say is helpful or hurtful. Words are hard to take back.
Remember that it is okay to be mad. It is healthy to show our anger. It’s what we
do with the anger that sometimes gets us into hot water. While anger is something
some say we cannot control, what we do when we are angry is something that we
can totally control. When problems seem to be too big, there are professionals,
friends and appropriate supports out who can help when solutions do not seem

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