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 Erotomanic: A person with this type of delusion will believe someone (usually a famous

person) is in love with him/her. Stalking is not uncommon in these cases.

 Grandiose: A person with delusions of grandeur will have an over-inflated sense of self-worth
and power. He may believe he has some special type of talent or has made a grand discovery.
Jealousy: These delusions usually involve believing that a spouse or significant other has
cheated even if there is no evidence this is the case.
 Persecution: A person with persecution delusions may believe someone (often an authority
figure) is spying on them and planning to do harm.
 Somatic: A somatic delusion occurs when a person believes he has a health problem, or some
other bodily complaint, when no real symptoms are present [3].
Other symptoms of psychosis may include:
 Disorganized speech.
 Incoherent thoughts.
 Lethargy.
 Emotional changes (lack of emotion, difficulty expressing emotion, etc.).
 Antisocial behavior.
 Erratic behavior (sometimes violent and/or dangerous).

Drugs That Can Cause Psychosis

Heavy, long-term use of many substances can result in psychotic symptoms. However, certain drugs
are more likely to cause psychotic symptoms than others. These include:
The use of methamphetamine can lead to paranoia, persecution delusions, and auditory and visual

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