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Donald Trump set to

announce North Korea
'terrorism' decision
WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Donald Trump will announce next
week whether he is putting North Korea on a list of state sponsors of
terrorism, the White House said, opening the door to possible

"I believe the President will be making an announcement, a decision,

on that in the first part of next week," said White House press
secretary Sarah Sanders.

Earlier this month, a senior White House official, speaking on

condition of anonymity, said North Korea "clearly fit the criteria" for
being on the list, suggesting the decision will likely be bad news for

Supporters of the move point to North Korea's treatment of

American student Otto Warmbier - who died this year after being
released from custody in North Korea - as well as ties to Iranian and
Syrian weapons programs.

The move is largely symbolic, doubling up on existing sanctions and

restrictions on aid and exports.

But it could dent efforts to reach a diplomatic solution to the

standoff over Pyongyang's development of nuclear-tipped missiles
capable of hitting the continental United States.

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