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Place of Origin/ Timeframe

Egyptian mythology is the belief structure and hidden form of ancient Egyptian culture. It is
a collection of myths that were created in Egypt and were used to understand the world through
the actions of gods and goddesses. It is believed to have started around 4000 BCE and ended
in 30 CE, due to the death of Cleopatra the seventh. Egyptian mythology was taken from
various pieces of religious writings, art pieces, and temple decorations. Almost all of the myths
created, focus on the very beginning. For example, the start of the world, or the start of natural
events. They also focus on the bigger questions like the universe or fate. The Egyptians
believed that their gods and goddesses were the power behind all forces. Some gods they
believed in were Amun, the creator god, Horus the god of the sky and falcons, Osiris the
god/king of the underworld, Mafdet goddess of justice, and Mehit the goddess of war. An
example of an Egyptian myth is The Story of Ra; creation myth. Ra created Earth and all the
gods of Earth. He ruled earth as the first pharaoh. He traveled the sky everyday as the sun, and
in the night would go to the underworld defeating all disruption.

Religious Text
​ gyptian writing is called Hieroglyphs. They believe that this writing was created by the god
Thoth who is the god of magic, writing and the moon. Hieroglyphs are among the oldest writing
system in the world. There are 700 to 800 basic symbols called glyphs and there is no indication
of where these words and sentences began or started. Egyptians have divided hieroglyphs into
three parts based on their appearances. The three types are hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic.
Hieroglyphics are always carved into stones in large statues or pillars. Hieratic is the type of
script largely used on paintings, documents, and paper. Demotic is an extremely cursive writing
that eventually replaced Hieratic writing in 600 BCE. Hieroglyphic engravings on temple walls
were used for decorative and spiritual purposes. Priests used hieroglyphs to write down prayers
and texts that were associated with life and death or the worship of gods and goddesses. Today
there are over a million hieroglyphics on tombs and monuments that remain as memories of a
highly civilized era.

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