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Open Close

"Alright guys. This is how it works. I'm going to say open and close in a pattern. In a series.
I'll give you a group of open close open close and then you tell me what comes next, open or

"How do we tell?"

"You just figure it out. Okay. Ready? Open close open close open open open open close close


This riddle will make your participants slam their faces into their bowls of soggy camp
oatmeal when they figure it out. It is quite obvious. It is quite simple. It is quite undetectable.
You can say as many opens and closes in a row as you want. That bit doesn't matter. If you
leave your mouth slightly ajar, or if your lips aren't touching at the end of your sequence, or in
other words, if your mouth is OPEN, then the correct answer is open. If, on the other hand,
your lips are sealed, the correct answer is CLOSE.

Black Magic

Thanks very much to Teresa Smith, 448th Liverpool Brownies, England, who e-mailed me this game!

You need two Guiders who know the secret to play this game. Start off by telling your group that the
other Guider is "psychic" and can identify an object that the first Guider is thinking about. Have the
"psychic" leave the room. The first Guider then picks an object in the room... in this case, a Promise
Badge on Suzy's uniform. Call the "psychic" back into the room. The first Guider then proceeds to ask
the "psychic" a series of questions like:

Is the object I'm thinking of the clock on the wall? - No

Is it Beth's glasses? - No

Is it Sarah's hair clip? - No

Is it Helen's black shoes? - No

Is it Suzy's Promise Badge? - Yes!

SECRET: The object you "ask" the psychic about before the real object is always black. You don't
always have to say the colour because the "psychic" can tell by looking; this makes the game a little

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