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The word multimedia consists of two words
''multi'' and ''media'' which means multiple formd of media are combined
to gather and provide services like;
*and INPUT/OUTPUT interaction

There are several multimedia components
are available ;they are:

The daatabase technology came into existense in
terms of models with relational database and the object-relational behavior
the major dataabase models are ;





And these models are

used to create many database for many online based storage of data.

The looping structure are useful for writing
iteration logics. It is the most important feature of many
programming languages, including PHP. They implemented using
the following categories;
FOR LOOP ; Forloop is used when the user knows , how many
times can a loop can perform
WHILE LOOP;While loop is used to give a checking the
condition whether its true or false
FOREACH LOOP ; The foreach loop is available in PHP , but it is
only work on arrays
DOWHILE LOOP ; Its alwayys run the statement inside of the
loop block
mobile networks

Mobile network is the network connection devices
which is used without cable [wireless] .Mobile , computer ,laptops
, tablets and hand held computers , were fastest growing segments.

• less consumption of power is used by mobile network
comparing to a single transmitter or satelite often cell towers
were nearer.
• Huge capacity thean a huge transmitter , at single
frequency can be used for different or many links as long
as they are in differrent in cells .
• Covering large area than a single transmitter and we can
add more towers indefinetly
DNS Component

The domain name space must be unique
and appropriate , the name space can be organised in two ways
they are; *FLAT NAME SPACE

The data of all domin name system are
just stored in the name server.

Domain name system is a client / servers
applicationand the roolver is the map for all domains
Network cabling

introduction; Once the basic computer was invented by

Charles Babbage , the people started inventing newer technology
capitable with the computers . In the 19th century the US millitary
base had much technology to serve weopens and people but they
did not have any technology to send a report one place to anotherb
place frequently.
Then the Advanced Research Project Ajency
Network [ ARPANET] wass invented and the TCP/IP was
adoptedwith the ARPANET
First the network was within on e computer
to another computer,then it moved to one place to another place ,
then one city to another city, then slowly it grew up and became
the ''INTERNET''
The essential service foran internet is WWW
[world wide web] which was invented by Tim Berner Lee. The
internet can be easily accessed from one place to another place
world wide and the network cables are used transfer the data.
Devolopement and the
growth of E-Commerce

The economists describe four distinct
waves than occures in the industrial revolution and these are
successfull strategy they are;
*first wave of e-commerce
*second wave of e-commerce
*third wavw of e-commerce

The dotcom companies where of the first wave mostly the

American companies and the dotcom bubble had attracted huge
investment to first wave companies and the second wave is the
rebitrth of e-commerce after the dotcom burst and the third wave
is brought by the mobile technology ,it connects users via mobile
Card based payment system

credit card;
Credit card is an electronic payment system
normally used for retail transaction .A credi card enables a bearer
to buy goods or services from a vendor , based on the cardholder's
promise to the card issuer to payback the value later with an
agreed intrest

Debit card;
The debit card is a electronic payment card
where the transaction amount is deducted directly from the card
holder's bank account upon the user's autherization

Stored value cards;

The stored value card is a type of
card with preloaded with some certain amount of money or any
type of currency in it.
Digital Certificate

The digital certificate is also called the
public key certificate ,and it is an electronic document used to
prove the ownereship of a public key and this certificate includes
the information about the sender's identity ,digital signature and a
public key
Digital certificatees function a similar to
these functions of an identification cards such as passports and the
driving license.
When somebody requests a ddigital
certificate , the authiority verifies the identity of the requester and
if the requester has all the requirements he may have the digital
When the sender uses a certificate to
sign a document digitaly, and the reciever can trust the digital
signature ,because he trust the CA has done thier part of verifying
the sender's identity

There are a five types of EDI are available to its uers they
*Direct EDI
*EDI via VAN
*web EDI
*Mobile EDI

these components and the types of EDI were

constructedbased on how EDI communication connects and
the conversion may organised ,Thus based on medium used
for transmitting EDI documents are just used.
And these five EDI types are resembles the varies
connection of veries computers for the transaction of the
varies document through public or the private channelised

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