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The global recording industry has launched its largest wave of legal

#1______against people suspected of #2__________music files on the

internet. The latest move by the International Federation of the
Phonographic Industry (IFPI) #3__________ 2,100 alleged uploaders
#4_______peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in 16 nations #5_________the UK,
France, Germany and Italy. Thousands of people have agreed to pay
compensation since the campaign #6_________. In the US, civil lawsuits
have been #7________against more than 15,597 people
#8________September 2003 and there have been 3,590 settlements. 'This is
a significant #9_________of our enforcement actions against people who are
uploading and distributing #10______music on p2p networks,' said IFPI
chief John Kennedy. 'Thousands of people - mostly internet-savvy men in
their 20s or 30s - have learnt to their #11________the legal and financial
risks involved in file-sharing copyrighted music in large quantities.'
Individual cases are generally brought by the national associations
#12__________the recording industry, and in some cases by the labels,
#13________civil complaints. The UK record industry has so far brought 97
cases, with a #14________ 65 covered by the latest action. More than
140,000 in compensation has been paid to the British Phonographic Industry
by 71 individuals. Those who #15_______ to resolve cases face civil court

1. action actions acts

2. sharing using stealing
3. directed targeted aimed
4. with having using
5. such with including
6. begin begun began
7. brought carried active
8. during in since
9. increasing escalation feature
10. registered copyrighted illegal
11. benefit charge cost.
12 working inside representing
13. in as for
14. newly another further
15. fail wish intend
Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

Question 1
The factory was on the ________ of the valley
A river runs through the centre of the village with the church on one ________ and the market place on the other.
Julia was lying on her ________ on the bed.

Question 2
Susan is not the ________ to get annoyed.
Open up the accounts database, and ________ in the amount of each order.
Your hair ________ requires a specific shampoo.

Question 3
Ferguson planned to broaden its product ________ to include internet telephones.
Joan hoped that the others were out of ________ of her mother's voice.
Prices ________ from around £10 for a basic keyboard, to £50 for an ergonomic one.

Question 4
Barbara Molland had found the box in a ________ that stood under the window in Kate's room.
As the phrase suggests, a main ________ of cables splits off into branches which supply individual subscribers.
The enormous tree ________ provided a home for rich colony of bird and insect life.

Question 5
But the re-organisation means the ________ is now on the other foot as far as money is concerned.
I wouldn't like to be stuck down a dark alley at night with whoever put the ________ in here.
This can be accessed even if the machine won't ________ up correctly.

Question 6
You need to ________ all applications before shutting down your computer.
Should the factory ________ down, 100 people will lose their jobs.
Mike's had three car accidents, plus a few other pretty ________ shaves.

Question 7
A new ________ of practice governing the advertising of tobacco products is being introduced.
It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal ________ of behaviour that men should show emotion.
The source ________ and documentation will be available to developers.

Question 8
I can't believe that Colin doesn't ________ like sport.
Families somehow survived, ________ as they were being torn apart by the war.
Once in a while why not take advantage of the smooth, ________ surface to concentrate on your control and technique?

Question 9
The cliff ________ was starting to crumble into the sea.
I don't know how I'm going to ________ her after what happened.
The Wasps ________ the Hornets in two weeks.

Question 10
I seem to have lost the ________ with all my personal records on it.
Today is the deadline for self-employed people to ________ their tax returns.
We walked in single ________ along the path.

Question 11
The riots presented a considerable risk to ________ and property.
The building began ________ as a church.
Try to put some ________ into your painting.

Question 12
At the age of 17, he went ________ the building trade as an apprentice.
Eight ________ twenty-four is three.
I'm really ________ folk music.
Artice A
It has been alleged that the mother charged with attempted murder after dumping her newborn baby into a drain has
admitted to abandoning the baby boy. The woman remains in custody after bail was formally refused at Blacktown
Local Court .
The newborn baby was discovered by passing cyclists on a day when temperatures surpassed 40 degrees Celsius. Mr
Otte, who discovered the baby and only cycles the route once a month, said, ‘That baby had no chance if we and the
other people hadn't been there. Something made us find that baby today'.
The child was already undernourished, and dehydration would have taken effect and the baby would not have survived
the day.
Passersby outside court cried 'shame' as the accused woman’s relatives crossed the street in Blacktown.

Article B
A woman has been charged with the attempted murder of her newborn son, who was left in a drain on Tuesday before
being discovered the following Sunday. The incident has shocked us all. In the searing heat, the baby had little chance
of survival, and the mother must have been aware of this as she callously shoved him through the tiny gap, dropped
him into the darkness and left him to his fate. But although crimes like this are a rarity, they don’t happen in isolation.
Australia criminalises child abandonment, thus making it nigh on impossible for a depressed mother to give up her
infant without causing it harm. Meanwhile pregnant women are shuffled through the system, rarely seeing the same
caregiver twice. This model of care treats the pregnancy, but ignores the patient, and it is this ill-equipped, indifferent
system that makes a crime this one possible.

Article C
A mother has been charged with attempted murder after she allegedly abandoned her newborn son in a roadside drain,
police confirmed today. The baby had been alone in the deep drain for five days when, by a stroke of luck, cyclists
caught the faint sound of his muffled cries above the heavy noise of motorway traffic. Sweltering temperatures in
Sydney have settled around 30C over the past week and it is believed the week-old boy would have died had he not
been found. Karen Healy, National President of the Australian Association of Social said that this was a highly unusual
case, as parents who abandon their children tend to do so in high-traffic areas like churches or hospitals where the child
will be taken care of. This scenario, in which the mother clearly wanted the baby to be hidden and it was only by the
grace of God that the infant survived, suggests an element of shame or possible mental illness which was not heeded by
pre- and post-natal health providers. The 30-year-old mother is currently receiving therapy while she remains in police

Article D
A newborn baby boy has been rescued from an eight-foot drain beside a bike track in Australia after passing cyclists
heard the sounds of wailing. Graham Bridges, who was among the people who helped rescue the baby, walked the bike
track regularly and said it was usually very popular with riders on a Sunday morning. Inspector David Lagats said ‘We
all thought the worst but he's still alive. It was a long drop down, but he’s wrapped up pretty well, so that will have
cushioned his fall.’ The concrete moulding of the drain formed a layer of insulation which protected the baby from the
weather, which, during the week, reached temperatures of thirty degrees. The baby was taken to hospital in a stable
condition, thanks, in part, to the fact that newborn babies have reserves of fluids and body sugars which they can resort
to as they adapt to the new way of feeding. Lisa Charet, from the state department of family and community services
said she was concerned for the mother’s welfare. "We can give her the help and support that she needs. She must be
feeling enormously distressed if she feels that this is the only course of action available to her."

Which article:

a. differs from the others with regards to the threat to the baby’s health?

b. shares the same attitude to the mother as article B?

c. shares article B’s view that the mother was not entirely responsible for her actions?

d. shares article C’s attitude towards the baby’s rescue.

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