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Name: Kamran Farooq

Roll #: FA16-BSE-039
Subject: Human Computer interaction
Department: Software Engineering
Date: 09-Dec-2018
Mirpur University of Sciences and
Technology (MUST) Mirpur.
Bad interface

 Visibility is not show in this interface all the text in this

interface is blurry.
 In this site, the background color and text color are much
similar, leaving a very weak contrast.
 No one can easily learnable to see this interface.
 Nobody can use this interface easily because this is not
clear and visible.
Bad interface

 Weak typography makes it unreadable.

 Different colors used in this interface.
 No easily learnable for every users.
 No user can understand this interface.
 Bad navigation is use in this interface.
 Many pictures are use in this interface.
 No one can understand it easily.
Good interface

 All the menus are visible; Visibility is clear in this interface.

 Every user can understand it easily and readable easily.
 Functions are predefined and available in excel.
 Formulas are available in excel which calculates the values.
 Every user can use this interface easily. Every user can
 This interface.
 Good navigation bar is use in this interface.
Good interface

 The interface of this website looks very good and

 A sign up page makes it easier for people to join the
 All the things are visible in this interface.
 This interface easily useable for users.
 Everyone can learn easily to see this interface.
 Facebook also allows users to customize pages and
 Manage aspect of their page.

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