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Ricardo Ariel Cortez Olivas

Amy Hayter



Heart Diseases

Heart disease affects so many people that it has become a serious concern for medical

science. The heart is a complex organ that is vulnerable to hereditary as well as environmental

risks. Cardiologists think of these risk factors as either major or minor causes of heart disease.

There are several major causes of heart disease. One of them is family history. It`s very

important to know your family history because you might be at higher risk for developing heart

disease if your parents or grandparents have had it. If you know that your family has had these

problems, talk with your doctor. Another cause is high blood pressure. As result of high blood

pressure, the heart works too hard and this can damage arteries. This cause is mostly an effect

of stress. Then, there is diabetes which can lead to hardening of the arteries and heart attacks.

In addition, high cholesterol levels are dangerous because fatty deposits build up in blood

vessels. The last major cause is smoking cigarettes--smokers are two or three times more likely

to have a heart attack than nonsmokers.

There are three minor causes of heart disease. The first one is a type A personality

which means becoming easily stressed, and being overly competitive, aggressive, and intense.

It is well known that this kind of person drives their heart to work hard. That can develop into

one of the major causes that was mentioned previously. A sedentary lifestyle is the second

minor cause. You might weaken your heart if you have this lifestyle. The best way to prevent

this result is exercising. Obesity is the final cause. Obesity is often a result of poor diet, but other

times it is genetic. This minor cause is usually the principal reason for high cholesterol levels

and diabetes. Doctors seriously recommend having a balanced diet and periodic appointments

with your nutritionist.

Heart disease affect many people and cause many troubles. In my personal opinion and

experience, an ounce of prevention is whore a pound of cure. Attendance your doctor`s

indications and advices is the best way to prevent heart disease.

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