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Ricardo Ariel Cortez Olivas

Amy Hayter




All of us at some point in our lives hear jokes. Maybe sometimes these jokes aren't funny

or they may hurt you. A joke is a precise and comic idea. It’s a series of words or a little

anecdote that is comical, ironic or teasing. Other times it is a pun or ambiguity that drives people

to laugh. It’s necessary to distinguish between the different kinds of jokes to avoid an

uncomfortable situation. There are several classifications of jokes, but for me the most useful

are by color. I can divide jokes into three types: The innocent joke, the erotic or sexual joke, and

hostile joke.

The innocent joke is classified as a withe joke because the point is found in wordplay.

These jokes cover a really wide range of topics from children topics like “and your mom...”,

“Pepito” or “knock knock” jokes to adult topics, such as “drunks,” extreme situations or

“unexpected results.” This category has an audience of people of all ages, from children to

seniors. These jokes use a casual situations to make fun, as result of that they have a wide

repertory without aggression, violence or sexual content.

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