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HE VICE PRESIDENT: Remember, you beat me badly. (Laughter.

THE PRESIDENT: That’s the way politics works sometimes. We try

really hard [06] to persuade people that we’re right. And then
people vote. And then if we lose, we learn from our mistakes [07],
we do some reflection [08], we lick our wounds [09], we brush
ourselves off [10], we get back in the arena [11]. We go at
it [12] We try even harder the next time.

The point, though, is, is that we all go forward [12], with a

presumption of good faith [13] in our fellow citizens – because
that presumption of good faith is essential to a vibrant and
functioning democracy. That’s how this country has moved
forward [14] for 240 years. It’s how we’ve pushed
boundaries [15] and promoted freedom around the world. That’s
how we’ve expanded the rights of our founding [16] to reach all
of our citizens. It’s how we have come this far [17].

And that’s why I’m confident that this incredible journey [18] that
we’re on as Americans will go on. And I am looking forward
to doing everything that I can to make sure that the next President
is successful in that. I have said before, I think of this job as being
a relay runner [19] – you take the baton [20], you run your best
race, and hopefully, by the time you hand it off [21], you’re a little
further ahead [22], you’ve made a little progress [23]. And I can
say that we’ve done that, and I want to make sure that handoff [24]
is well-executed, because ultimately [25] we’re all on the same
team [26]

 have a chance to » ter a oportunidade de

congratulate someone on doing something » parabenizar
alguém por fazer algo
 a successful transition » uma transicão bem-sucedida
 contentious » controverso, litigioso
 lose an argument » perder uma discussão, perder em uma
 try really hard » dar um duro danado, esforçar-se ao máximo
 learn from our mistakes » aprendemos com nossos erros
 do some reflection » parar para pensar
 lick our wounds » curar nossas feridas [literalmente, lamber
nossas feridas]
 brush oneself off » sacudir a poeira
 get back in the arena » voltar ao jogo, voltar ao combate,
voltar à arena
 go at something » partir para cima de algo
 go forward » seguir em frente
 presumption of good faith » presunção da boa fé
 move forward » seguir crescendo
 push boundaries » romper barreiras
 expand the rights of our founding » expandir os pilares de
nossa fundação
 come this far » chegar tão longe, chegar até aqui
 incredible journey » incrível viagem, jornada extraordinária
 relay runner » atleta do revezamento
 baton » bastao (usado na corrida de revezamento)
 be a little further ahead » estar um pouco mais adiante, um
pouco mais em frente
 make a little progress » fazer um pequeno progresso
 be all on the same team » estar todos do mesmo lado, estar
todos no mesmo time

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