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BUSA, Joan Ruth C.

BSA – 2A

“Baby Theresa”
A reaction paper in her story as an anencephalic baby

In each appointed time, in each appointed place, there are new born lives whom
welcome the world. These newly born infants are meant to grow and designed to make
an impact to the world. They are to be people who will be lead to their future professions,
have families and nurture new lives, too. But in certain cases, there are lives who are only
born but only for a little while; days, months or a year. Why they were born in the first
place? Were they just glitches on the perfectly coordinated cycle of this world? Why would
a life be created if he/she has no purpose, little or much?
It was the case with Theresa Ann Campo Pearson, mostly known as Baby
Theresa. She was born with anencephaly. It was commonly termed as 'born without
brains' although that connotes exaggeration. She was still able to breathe and her heart
was also able to beat. Her organs were still usable. That was the reason her parents and
physicians wanted to donate her organs. They reasoned that it was for the benefit of other
lives who need those organs to live. However, this was against the law of their country.
As for me, I understand the sympathy of the parents to the other children and their longing
to extend the lives of others by taking what was their child’s, who are sure to die after
several days. As a Christian, it is hard for me to understand what really was right in this
situation. But one thing for sure that was revealed to me; no person, short or long-lived,
has been born without a purpose. First, I believe that Baby Theresa existed and it’s not
something to question about just because she has no brain to think and convey. The mere
fact she was born and was able to be a part of this world and made an impact prove she
did exist as oppose to what the scientists have said. Any baby who died on their mother’s
womb or lived only for days still made an impact on their parents’ lives, although it was
just a little. The same with Baby Theresa, as for me, why would God allow her to be born?
What is the reason? We all have asked that question. I also believed that Jesus’s death,
who is innocent, was killed but He wasn’t defeated – He built a kingdom that never ever
will be shaken, He saved His rebellious creations. It has to happen.
That’s what I honestly thought in regards Baby Theresa’s case. She is innocent
but her death would have been benefited others. If I put myself on her parents’ situation,
it would be really hard to put my daughter who is still alive to death for the sake of others.
But yet again, what is the reason she lived, what was God’s purpose? No matter what
means or end, I sincerely believe that God’s Sovereign will stands still. It would take
another paper to explain further the will of God but this is what I’ve been grounded on;
just like how Abraham was tested by God asking him to offer his son whom He Himself
had promised, he obeyed God with no second thoughts. And because of his faith in God,
He provided a lamb.
In my own case, seek Him before any decisions.

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