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Nama Instansi/Acara :
Tanggal kegiatan :
Tanggal pinjam :
Tanggal kembali :

Nama obat Fungsi Tambahan
Indikasi Kontraindikasi Dosis Efek samping
Diminum setelah Patient with peptic ulcers, ciliary dyskinesia Mucolytic
makan Ambroxol, a mucolytic agent, pneumonia or other lung conditions, Adult: As Ambroxol hydrochloride:
increases secretion in the immunosuppression due to other health 30 mg tid or 60 mg bid. As
respiratory tract by enhancing conditions (e.g. HIV infection). Hepatic and extended-release cap: 75 mg once
Batuk pulmonary surfactant production renal impairment. Children. Treatment with daily.
berdahak and stimulating ciliary activity. a cough medicine in children (especially <2 Child: As Ambroxol hydrochloride:
Therefore, facilitates expectoration years old) should be considered carefully <2 years 7.5-15 mg bid. 2-5 years
and eases cough by increasing fluid due to potential risks and limited evidence 7.5-15 mg tid; 6-12 years 15-30 mg
secretion and mucociliary clearance on efficacy. Pregnancy and lactation. bid or tid; >12 years Same as adult
Diminum saat Hipersensitivitas. Gangguan ginjal Urtikaria, ruam kulit, pruritus,
sakit / 1 jam Gejala yg terkait dengan asam Pasien yg sedang menjalani diet rendah angioedema & gangguan GI spt diare,
sebelum / 2 jam lambung berlebih; gastritis, ulkus fosfor. Jangan digunakan selama >2 Dewasa 1-2 tab kunyah 3-4x/hr. mual, muntah, glositis & stomatitis.
Antasida Doen setelah makan / peptikum dan duodenum dgn gejala minggu. Anak <6 thn. Anak 6-12 thn ½-1 tab kunyah 3-
lambung dan
seperlunya seperti, mual, nyeri lambung & 4x/hr.
usus 12 jari
penggunaan dg nyeri ulu hati.
Peringatan! Patient w/ seizure disorder, angle-closure Adult: 50-100 mg 3-4 times daily. Dizziness, drowsiness, excitement,
Dapat glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, stenosing Max: 400 mg daily. For prevention headache, insomnia, lassitude,
menimbulkan peptic ulcer, pyloroduodenal or bladder of motion sickness, 1st dose to be nervousness, restlessness, tachycardia,
Mabuk kantuk Treatment and prophylaxis of neck obstruction, emphysema or chronic given at least 30 min before anorexia, epigastric distress, nausea,
Antimo perjalanan, motion sickness, Nausea and bronchitis, bronchial asthma, CV disease travelling. xerostomia, dysuria, blurred vision,
vertigo vertigo caused by Meniere's disease including arrhythmias, HTN. Hepatic Child: 2-5 yr 12.5-25 mg 6-8 hrly. thickening of bronchial secretion, skin
impairment. Childn. Pregnancy and Max: 75 mg daily; 6-12 yr 25-50 rash, tinnitus, dry mouth, incoordination,
lactation mg 6-8 hrly. Max: 150 mg daily; palpitation, hypotension, constipation or
≥12 yr Same as adult dose. For diarrhoea, urinary frequency;

prevention of motion sickness, 1st paradoxical CNS stimulation (esp in

dose to be given at least 30 min childn).
before travelling.
Diminum setelah Rental impairment Lethargy, drowsiness, headache, nausea,
makan Dental pain, Headache, Hepatic impairment vomiting, epigastric pain,
Menorrhagia, Mild to moderate Hypersensitivity. Patients with active or gastrointestinal bleeding. Rarely,
Adult: 500 mg tid.
pain, Osteoarthritis, Pain and history of recurrent peptic diarrhoea, disorientation, excitation,
Child: ≥14 years Same as adult
Asam inflammation associated with ulcer/haemorrhage, history of tinnitus, fainting, hypertension, acute
Nyeri dose.
Mefenamat musculoskeletal and joint disorders, gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation renal failure, respiratory depression, and
Elderly: Initiate at a lower dose and
Postoperative pain, Primary (related to previous NSAID therapy), coma.
shortest possible duration
dysmenorrhoea, Rheumatoid inflammatory bowel disease, severe heart
arthritis failure, history of asthma, bronchospasm,
rhinitis, angioedema, urticaria,
Peringatan! Acute asthma, narrow-angle glaucoma, Symptoms: Sedation, paradoxical
Menimbulkan bladder neck obstruction, symptomatic excitation of the CNS, toxic psychosis,
kantuk prostate hypertrophy, stenosing peptic apnoea, convulsions, dystonic reactions,
ulcer. Concomitant or within 14 days of , Adult : PO 4 mg 4-6 hourly. Max: cardiovascular collapse during
CTM Gejala alergi Allergic conditions MAOI use. 24 mg/day. IM/IV/SC 10-20 mg. arrhythmias. Management: Symptomatic
Max: 40 mg/day. and supportive treatment. May employ
activated charcoal. Treat convulsions
with IV diazepam. My use
haemoperfusion in severe cases.
Peringatan! Hipertiroidisme, hipertensi, PJK, terapi dg Mengantuk, pusing, mulut kering, ruam
Dapat MAOI, nefropati. Dws 1 tab 3 x/hr. Anak 6-12 thn 5- kulit, kejang epileptiform (dosis tinggi).
Batuk & menimbulkan Flu dg gejala demam, sakit kepala, 10 mL 3-4 x/hr atau 1/4-½ tab 3-4
Pilek kantuk dan pilek, bersin, batuk & pegal linu x/hr; 1-6 thn 2.5-5 mL 3-4 x/hr; < 1
masalah thn 2.5 mL 3-4 x/hr.
Peringatan! Pasien dengan riwayat hipersensitif Gangguan fungsi hati dan ginjal,
Dapat terhadap salah satu komposisi dari glaukoma, hipertrofi prostat, hipertiroid,
Untuk meringankan gejala flu Dewasa : 1 tablet 3 kali per hari.
menimbulkan Demacolin. Pasien yang memiliki riwayat gangguan jantung, diabetes melitus,
Demacolin Gejala flu seperti demam, sakit kepala, hidung Anak 6-12 tahun : 1/2 tablet 3 kali
kantuk dan penurunan fungsi hati. tidak dianjurkan untuk anak dibawah 2
tersumbat dan bersin-bersin. sehari.
masalah tahun, wanita hamil dan menyusui.
Minum 2 tablet Symptoms of diarrhea due to food Severe renal or hepatic failure. Adult & childn ≥12 yr 2 tab after
Diatabs Diare
setelah BAB, poisoning & toxin from bacteria & every bowel movement w/ max 12

max 12 tablet/24 viruses. tab w/in 24 hr, 6-12 yr 1 tab after

jam every bowel movement, w/ max 6
tab w/in 24 hr.
Minum 30 mnt – Prolactin-releasing pituitary tumour Adult: 10 mg up to 3 times daily. Agitation, altered consciousness,
1 jam sebelum (prolactinoma), existing QTc interval Max: 30 mg daily. Max treatment somnolence, disorientation, convulsions,
makan prolongation, significant electrolyte duration: 7 days. Use the lowest and extrapyramidal reactions.
disturbances (e.g. hypokalaemia, effective dose for the shortest
Mual Acute treatment of nausea and
Domperidon hypomagnesaemia, hyperkalaemia), possible duration.
muntah vomiting
underlying cardiac disease (e.g. CHF), Child: <12 years <35 kg: 0.25
gastrointestinal haemorrhage, mechanical mg/kg given up to 3 times daily.
obstruction or perforation. Moderate to Max: 0.75 mg/kg daily. ≥12 years
severe hepatic impairment. ≥35 kg: Same as adult dose.
Dapat Children <6 years. Adult: As conventional preparation: Gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea,
menimbulkan 200-400 mg 4 hourly. As extended- drowsiness.
masalah release tab: 600-1,200 mg 12
GG / Pengencer pencernaan hourly. Max: 2,400 mg daily.
Guaifenesin dahak Child: 6-12 years 100 mg four
times daily. Max: 400 mg daily.
Max treatment duration: 5 days;
≥12 years Same as adult dose.
Pegal-pegal, Minum bersama
Neurodex 600
kesemutan dengan makanan
Lihat petunjuk
Oralit Rehidrasi 3 700
pada kemasan
Minum Rental impairment Adult: 0.5-1 g 4-6 hourly. Max: 4 g Pallor, nausea, vomiting, anorexia,
seperlunya. Hepatic impairment daily. abdominal pain, metabolic acidosis,
Maksimal minum Child: 1-2 months 30-60 mg 8 glucose metabolism abnormalities
6x/hari. Minum hourly. Max: 60 mg/kg/day; 3-<6
setelah/sebelum months 60 mg. 6 months to <2
Demam, makan years 120 mg; 2-<4 years 180 mg;
Paracetamol Fever, Mild to moderate pain
nyeri 4-<6 years 240 mg; 6-<8 years 240
or 250 mg; 8-<10 years 360 or 375
mg; 10-<12 years 480 or 500 mg;
12-16 years 480 or 750mg.
Administer 4-6 hourly if necessary.
Max: 4 doses in 24 hours.

Minum Rental impairment Oral abnormalities of gait and hypotension

sebelum/setelah NSAID-associated ulceration
makan. Hindari Adult: 150 mg bid or 300 mg at
makanan asam bedtime for 8 weeks.
dan kecut.
Adult: 150 mg bid for up to 6
weeks. For short-term symptomatic
relief: 75 mg repeated up to Max 4
doses daily, as necessary.
Treatment duration: Up to 2 weeks
of continuous use at one time.
Tukak NSAID-associated ulceration
Ranitidine lambung dan Dyspepsia
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
usus 12 jari Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Adult: 150 mg bid or 300 mg at
bedtime for up to 8 weeks or if
necessary, up to 12 weeks.
Alternatively, 75 mg daily, as
needed, no additional dose within
24 hours. For erosive esophagitis:
May increase usual dose to 150 mg
4 times daily for up to 12 weeks;
maintenance: 150 mg bid.
Child: As tab or oral solution: 3-11
years 5-10 mg/kg daily as in 2
divided doses up to Max of 600 mg
daily; ≥12 years Same as adult
Tablet hisap, Antiseptik oral. Faringitis,
Tenggorokan jangan dikunyah, tonsilitis, stomatitis. Pencegahan Dosis/Cara Penggunaan
SP Troches
gatal maksimal minum infeksi pd rongga mulut termasuk 1 tab hisap 6-8 x/hr.
8 tab/hari. stlh ekstraksi gigi.
Untuk Tambahan nutrisi sblm & ssdh
Tablet besi Anemia 1 tab/hr.
pencegahan melahirkan. Utk mengatasi ggn yg

minum 1x1, sering diderita selama kehamilan.

3x1. Perhatian!
Ef. Samping: dpt
konstipasi, mual
muntah, nyeri
Kembung, Diminum setelah
Tolak Angin
masuk angin makan
Perhatian! Ef. Pre-existing or risk factors for ischaemic Inhalation/Respiratory
Samping : heart disease, gestational age <22 wk, Acute severe asthma
Tremor, palpitasi conditions in which prolongation of Adult: As metered-dose inhaler
pregnancy is hazardous (e.g. severe (100 mcg/actuation) via spacer
toxaemia, intrauterine infection, vag device: Initially, 4 inhalations, then
bleeding resulting from placenta praevia, a further 2 inhalations every 2 min
eclampsia or severe preeclampsia, placental according to response. Max: 10
abruption, cord compression; use in inhalations.
Prophylaxis of exercise-induced
threatened abortion.
Salbutamol 2mg Asma bronchospasm
Acute severe asthma
Prophylaxis of exercise-induced
Adult: As metered-dose aerosol or
dry powd inhaler (90 or 100
mcg/actuation): 2 inhalations 10-15
min prior to exercise.
Child: 6-12 yr 1 inhalation 10-15
min prior to exercise.
Oleskan pada
daerah sekitar
Betadine 5 mL Antiseptik luka dan pada 1 5000
luka setelah luka
Lespain 7,5 gr Nyeri otot Obat luar, 1 7500

jangan berikan
pada luka
Minyak kayu
kembung, 1 5000
putih 15 mL
mual, gatal
Oksigen Tertera pada
Oxycan 1 42000
tambahan kaleng
Cara penggunaan
=> Teteskan 2-3
tetes pada mata,
Tetes mata 6 mL Iritasi mata tutup mata 1 15000
selama 2-3 menit,
seka cairan yang
Hansaplast roll 1 4000
5 300
Kapas 5 200
Kasa steril 5 400
Pembalut wanita 5 500
Gunting kecil 1 3500
Alat Pelindung Diri (2 masker & 2 sarung tangan)

Obat dihitung terpakai jika:

1. Obat terpakai
2. Obat rusak (basah, bungkus aluvoil terbuka, patah, lecet)
3. Segel terbuka (betadine, obat tetes mata, oxycan, minyak kayu putih, lafaloz, plester)

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