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On the basis of data collected from the sample survey, tabulation was done and the
necessary analysis is carried out for effective presentation and findings of the research.
The detailed analysis is done in two parts. Part-I deals about the Demographic analysis,
and Part-2 deals with the satisfaction level analysis. The demographic analysis is used to
explore the profile of the respondent on the basis of gender, age, location i.e.
(Bhubaneswar, Berhampur and Cuttack) and education qualification whether student or
job holder. Detailed analysis of the same is presented in the following pages.


To understand the behavior of consumer towards e-commerce data collected on

demographics and personal factors were analysed and interpreted according to the
objectives of the study. The same is presented below.

Table 4.1

Gender of online consumers

Gender Number of respondents Percentage

Female 182 85%
Male 33 15%

Figure 4.1


From the table and figure no 4.1, it is seen that about 85% online consumers are female and
15% online consumers are male. So, it is clear that more number of female consumers tend to
shop online.

Table 4.2

Age of respondents

Age Group Numbers of respondents Percentage

10-20 83 38.60%
20-30 109 50.70%
30-40 15 6.98%
40-50 6 2.79%
50-60 2 0.93%

Figure 4.2

60.00% 50.70%
50.00% 38.60%
% of respondents

20.00% 6.98%
10.00% 2.79% 0.93%
10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
Age Group

Figure 4.2 can be inferred that more than 50% of respondents belong to 20-30 age groups.
About 38% of respondents belong to 10-20 age groups whereas only 6%, 2%, 0.9%
respondents are of 30-40, 40-50, 50-60 age group respectively. So, it is seen that more than
half of online consumers belongs to 20-30 age group and that’s the reason why, online
shopping is overtaking traditional shopping gradually.

Table 4.3


Location of respondents Number

Bhubaneswar 156
Berhampur 32
Cuttack 27

Figure 4.3
Number s of respondents

60 32 27
Bhubaneswar Berhampur Cuttack

Of the total respondents, 156 are from Bhubaneswar followed by 32 from Berhampur, and as
less as 27 respondents are from Cuttack (Table 4.3).

Table 4.4

Job Qualification

Job Qualification Number of respondents Percentage

Student 159 74%
Job holder 56 26%

Figure 4.4


Job holder


In pie-diagram figure 4.4 it is seen that 74% of respondents are students and 26% respondents
are job holder out of 215 respondents.

Table 4.5

Preferable shopping type

Preferable Shopping type Number of respondents Percentage

Online Shopping 25 11.6%

Street Shopping 7 3.3%

Both of the above 183 85.1%

Figure 4.5


Online Shopping
Street Shopping
Both of the above


Table 4.6

Duration of Online Shopping

Years Number of respondents Percentage

Less than 1yr 21 9.80%
1yr-3yrs 110 51.20%
4yrs-6yrs 64 29.80%
More than 6yrs 20 9.30%

Figure 4.6



9.80% 9.30%

Less than 1yr 1yrs-3yrs 4yrs-6yrs More than 6yrs

Figure 4.6 shows that before 1-3yrs more than 50% (110) of responders are started
purchasing products through internet whereas less than 10%(20) of responders are following
online purchase from more than 6yrs followed by 9.80%(20) from less than 1yr, almost 30%
(64)of responders are started purchasing from 4yrs to 6yrs(see Table 4.6).

Figure 4.7

While respondents were asked to know about the offered goods and services, 87.4%
respondents preferred clothes, footwear 54.9% and cosmetics 44.7% whereas, least number
of respondents prefers purchasing furniture (6.5%) from online as they cannot check the
texture and also cannot style as per their wish. It is seen that sometimes furniturers are deliver
broken or damaged to the customers. Movie and concert tickets (52.1%) are more preferable
services as compared to flight/bus/train tickets service as movie or concerts tickets are
available with amazing offers. It can be concluded that clothes, footwear, cosmetics are the
main three categories that are highly preferable products from online by online shoppers.
Online shopping tends to grow in the coming years as consumers want to buy more in the
future (See Figure 4.7).

Figure 4.8

Figure 4.8 shows that almost 50% respondent’s opinion is delivery time, good quality, prices,
reputation of the company, good description of goods, guarantee & warrantees, privacy of the
consumers information are very important factors to be considered at the time of purchase
products from e-stores, whereas 30% respondents believe these factors are important at the
time of buying. In the view point of (20%) respondents delivery time, good quality, prices,
reputation of the company, good description of goods, guarantee & warrantees, privacy of the
consumers information these factors are neutral in nature it means 20% respondents think it is
okay if someone doesn’t want to considered these factors while shop from e-stores.

Table 4.7

Desirable time of shopping

Preferable time of shopping Number of respondents Percentage

Sale time 40 18.6%
At any time 50 23.3%
Both of the above 125 58.1%

Figure 4.9

40, 19%
Sale time
At any time
Both of the above
125, 58% 50, 23%

In figure 4.9, it is inferred that out of 215 responder 58% respondent invest their hard cash in
online shopping at both sale and normal time to purchase goods followed by 19% respondent
at sale time only and 23% respondent at any time. So, it means consumers purchase their
likely products from online at any time as per their requirement comparatively purchase at
sale time (see Table 4.7).

Table 4.8

Investment in single purchase

Investment Number of respondents Percentage

Less than Rs.999 75 34.9%
Rs.1000-Rs.1999 84 39.1%
Rs.2000-Rs.3999 38 17.7%
Rs.4000-Rs.5999 5 2.3%
Rs.6000 and above 13 6%

Figure 4.10
Less than Rs.999

18% 35% Rs-1000- Rs.1999

Rs.2000- Rs.4999
Rs.4000- Rs.5999
Rs.6000 and more


Figure 4.10 shows that of total respondents, 35% respondents are invest less than Rs.999 in
online shopping followed by 39% are invest Rs.1000-Rs.1999, 18%, 2%, 6% are invest
Rs.2000-Rs.3999, Rs.4000-Rs.5999, Rs.6000 and above respectively. So, it can be concluded
that consumers invest Rs.1000-Rs.1999 in a single purchase.

Mode of Payment (Figure 4.11)

Figure 4.12 shows the different payment options for customers which is a very important
element at the time of buying decision. 79.1% of the respondents are doing transaction by
cash on delivery facility whereas, 42.8% of the interviewees are paying through debit or
credit card. 9.3% respondents pay through net banking and 25.1% respondents pay through
UPI Id. So, it is seen that now a days UPI Id is more popular than net banking.

Safety of payment (Figure 4.12)

More than 25% of respondents are agreed that online payment of orders is safe, at the same
time 75% of respondents disagreed. It can be inferred that as secured payment is a significant
concern, most of the customers believe that the payment system for online shopping is
secured in result now a days UPI Id payment option is most preferable and easier than net
banking(see Figure 4.12).

Expensive than retail (Figure 4.13)


Of total respondents, 60.9% respondents thinks that products from online neither expensive
nor cheap. 26.5% respondents thinks that products from online are not expensive, whereas
7.4% respondents strongly agree that products from online are not expensive than retail
stores. 5.1% respondents agreed that online products are expensive than retail store (see
Figure 4.13).

Risk factor in Online Shopping (Figure 4.14)

Almost 18.1% respondents are concur that online shopping is not risky whereas, 16.7% are
agreed that online shopping is risky. Of the total respondents, 61.4% interviewees accept that
at sometimes online shopping becomes risky because of quality of products, mismatch of
products. Sometimes they get different products what they have ordered and no refund of
money (See Figure4.14).

Difficulty in return process (Figure 4.15)

Figure 4.15 shows that 56.7% respondents are agreed that return process of products from
online sometimes risk bearing process followed by 21.4% respondents accept that return
process is difficult but rarely, 7% respondents accept that return process is not difficult

Time saving (Figure 4.16)

Of the total respondents, almost more than 50% of respondents are agreed that online
shopping saves time as they can get their products within one click whereas, according to
32.6% respondents it is neutral and only 4.1% respondents are disagree that online shopping
doesn’t save time (see Figure 4.16).

Table 4.9

Most preferable websites

Websites Name Number of respondents Percentage

Flipkart 103 47.90%
Myntra 64 24.76%
Club factory 19 8.83%
Nykaa 22 10.23%
Snapdeal 18 8.28%

Most Preferable Websites (Figure 4.17)


50.00% 47.90%


8.83% 10.23% 8.28%

Flipkart Myntra Club factory Nykaa Snapdeal

From table 4.9 and figure 4.17, it is seen more than 45% respondents prefer flipkart shopping
website as this website has wide range of products along with great price, quality and
amazing offers. More than 25% of respondents choose myntra shopping website which
comes along with wide range of branded products with affordable price, good description of
products, multiple payment options, and discount coupons followed by 8% of respondents go
for club factory e-application which provide products worldwide along with assured products
with reasonable price also this club factory application gives amazing offers and variety of
products starts from Rs.9 only. Of total respondents 10% of respondents prefer nykaa website
which is basically a cosmetic and wellness online store company; it sells wide range of

branded cosmetics and wellness products. Respondents also purchase these products through
online. Less than 9% of respondents preferred snapdeal website for their desired products.


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