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1. Explain Link, Alink, Vlink .

Colour of hyperlinks that are not visited by the viewer. blue
Colour of the active hyperlink. green
Colour of the hyperlink which is already visited by the viewer.

2. What is the purpose of <P> tag?

It organizes the text in the <body> tag into paragraphs. Align attribute
sets the alignment of the text in the paragraph with the values left, right,
center or justify. <p> tag add a blank line before the paragraph.
3. What is the use of <BR> tag?
<BR> tag is used to break the current line of text and continue from the
beginning of the next line.
4. What is the difference between <br> tag and <p> tag?
<br> Breaks the current line and continues to the next line. <p> tag add a
blank line before the paragraph.
<br> tag is empty tag. <p> tag is a container tag.
5. <HR> tag - creating horizontal line
<HR> tag produces a horizontal line (rule) spread across the width of the
browser window.
Size : value of size in pixel.
Width: width in pixel or percentage
Noshade : No value
Color: colour of the line
6. The <CENTER> tag brings the content to the centre of a web page
7. Text formatting tags
<B> - Making text bold
<I> - Italicising the text
<U> - Underlining the text
<S> and <STRIKE> - Striking through the text
<BIG> - Making the text big sized
<SMALL> - Making the text small sized
<STRONG> - Making bold text
<EM> - Emphasizing the text
<SUB> and <SUP> tags- Creating subscripts and superscripts

8. What is the use of <blockquote> and <Q> ?

The <BLOCKQUOTE> tag is used to indent the content enclosed in
these tags.
HTML <Q> tag (Quote tag) is used to indicate the text enclosed in double
quotation marks with an indent
<Q> tag is intended for short quotations that do not require paragraph
breaks, whereas <BLOCKQUOTE> is used for long quotations
9. Explain <PRE> tag?
<PRE> - Displaying preformatted text.
we can turn off the automatic formatting applied by the browser with the
help of <PRE> tag. This tag tells the browser that the enclosed text is
preformatted and should not be reformatted again.
10. What is the use of address tag?
The <ADDRESS> tag defines the contact information for the
author/owner of a document or an article.
Eg: name, phone numbers, PIN numbers, e-mail addresses
11. Explain <MARQUEE> tag?
<MARQUEE> - Displaying text in a scrolling Marquee.
<MARQUEE> tag displays a piece of text or image scrolling horizontally
or vertically in the web page.
Height: Sets the height of the marquee in pixels or in percentage of
browser window height.
Width: This specifies the width of the marquee in pixels or in percentage
of browser window's width value.
Direction: This specifies the direction in which marquee should scroll.
This can have a value like up, down, left or right.
Behaviour: This specifies the type of scrolling of the marquee. This can
have a value like scroll, slide and alternate.
Scrolldelay: This specifies time delay between each jump. This will have
value in seconds like 10, 15, etc.
Scrollamount: This specifies the speed of the marquee text.
Loop: This specifies how many times the marquee element should scroll
on the screen. The default value is Infinte, which means that the marquee
scrolls endlessly.
Bgcolor: This specifies background colour in terms of colour name or
colour hex value.
Hspace: This specifies horizontal space around the marquee. This can be
a value in pixels or percentage value.
Vspace: This specifies vertical space around the marquee. This can be a
value in pixels or percentage value.
12. What is the use of <div> tag?
The <DIV> tag is used for defining a section or a block in the document.
13. What are the attributes of <div> tag?
The attributes of <DIV> tag are:
Align : sets the horizontal alignment with values left, right, center, and
Id : assigns a unique identifier for the tag.
Style : indicates how to render the content in terms of colour, font, etc.
14. <FONT> - Specifying font characteristics
change the size, style and colour of the text enclosed.
Color : This attribute sets the text colour using either a ColorName or a
colour in the Hexadecimal format.
Face : This attribute specifies the font face. If no face attribute is
mentioned, the document text in the default style is used in the first font
face that the browser supports.
Size : This attribute specifies the font size whose value ranges from 1 to
7, with default value 3.
15. HTML entities for reserved characters
when we want to display special symbols like <, >, &, space, Trade
Mark, copy right, registered symbol, single quote, double quotes as part
of the text in the web page, we must use HTML entities.
16. How to use comment in html?
The content placed within <!-- --> tag will be treated as a comment and
will be completely ignored by the browser
17. How to insert images in a web page?
<IMG> to insert images in HTML pages
18. What are the important attributes of <img> tag?
Src- URL of the image given as the value of src attribute to be displayed
in the web page.

We can set the space in the web page for the image by specifying the
values for the Width and Height attributes.
HTML offers two attributes Vspace and Hspace, for providing vertical
spacing and horizontal spacing between the images in the web page.
Bottom : Aligns the bottom of the image with the baseline of the text and
this is
the default setting.
Middle : Aligns the middle of the image (vertically) with the baseline of
the text.
Top : Aligns the image with the top of the text.
Alt: Due to some other reason also, the web browser may not be able to
display the image. HTML provides the attribute Alt to specify an alternate
text for an image, if the browser cannot display the image.
Border : to give a border to an image inserted in a web page

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