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Sierra Mace

With my personal ethic I see many things from everyone's point of view, also sometimes
I can be selfish. I try to be as civil as possible. While I mostly like to be respectful, caring, and
fair. I give all my respect to those who give their respect to me. I am never disrespectful unless
someone disrespects me. With my person ethic this aligns with civic actions because with other
citizens I am respectful and calm, while with other people, it is mostly likely they will be
respectful and calm as well. I have many responsibilities in my life and one of them is to be
caring and respectful. Sometimes I will be having a bad day and I don’t feel like speaking to
anyone or communicating. Although I may be having a bad day, one of my responsibilities of
being a citizen is to be respectful to others. I work at Target as a guest service employee, while
many customers may be having a bad day and sometimes will be extremely rude to my
co-workers, I still feel as if it is not right or respectful. With my personal experience, nobody
enjoys being yelled at, being upset does not give anyone the right to say rude and disrespectful
things. With that being said, make sure to always have good ethics and be respectful.

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