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Name :

Diana Apriliani (P17320317054)

Chintia Andini (P17320317059)

1) Orientation Phase

Greetings Therapeutic

Nurse Chintia : "Assalamualaikum Ms. Diana, I’m Nurse Chintia, this morning I will take
care of you."

Ms. Diana : " Oh ... yes, it's my pleasure if you want to take care of me"

Evaluation / Validation

Nurse Chintia : "How does you feel today?"

Ms. Diana : "Nurse, the pain has decreased only a little dizzy, and last night I could not
sleep because I was very worried, nurse" (with anxious expression).


Nurse Chintia : "Oh like that. Often feels anxious about diabetes that you experience, right?
How can that our discussion of the matter is you?"

Ms. Diana : "Yes, I agree"

Nurse Chintia : "We are just discussing here on your bed , while I rest, so that the dizziness is

Ms. Diana : "Yes, nurse, I agree."

2) Work Phase

Nurse Chintia : "Ms. Diana, what do you think is making you anxious about the current

Ms. Diana : "Nurse, people say my disease is very deadly. I anxious to be something
bad will happen to me . I am also afraid that one day I will leave the people I
love. Do all who suffer from diabetes lead to the death of, nurse?
Nurses Chintia : "Oh, so like that's, I do not have to worry about the disease you because our
medical team will be attempted a hardest to always help the healing process,
what is important now you calm, think that makes you happy, trying, and
always pray, you can recover. "

Ms. Diana : "Oh yes, that's so... But how do I keep from remembering the disease
continuously? I can't sleep every night because I think of my illness. "

Nurse Chintia : "What makes you feel calm?"

Ms. Diana : "Usually I listen to peaceful music."

Nurse Chintia : "Very good, ma'am. I will teach you relaxation techniques, so you can
overcome the anxiety you feel. Are you willing? "

Ms. Diana : "Yes, i’m willing."

Nurse Chintia : " Well then Ms. Diana noticed me, then you can follow my instructions. "

Ms. Diana : "Yes, nurse."

Nurse Chintia : "Let me begin, take a relaxed position. Then take a deep breath through the
nose, hold for 2 seconds, then release the air slowly. How do you feel mom?”

Ms. Diana : "I’m very relax."

Nurse Chintia : " Now, you can try again the therapy that we learned earlier."

Patient : "Okay, I see."

Nurse Chintia : " Very good, you can do it right. "

Ms. Diana : " Thank you, Nurse."

Nurse Chintia : "Okay, excuse me"

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