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Street food stalls are a real selling point for consumers. Like childrens, teenagers, middle-
aged and senior citizens so most of the customers are in the age range of 10 to 75 years old.
These type of people are those who frequent go to these kind of place and likely to taste
something unique and new to their eyes and to their taste. They are also the most open on
trying new product that will embrace their taste and their convenience. Customers are
typically single, couple, female and male and most of them are already working so they have a
source of income.

That’s why, Native Smoochys’ main value proposition, “Mapapa-wow ka sa Isaw” which
offers unique taste to value the consumers preference and at a reasonable price. Our product
Isaw is different from other street food vendors that consumers usually buy. Our product has
a seasoned grind pork inside it which made it unique, coated with a secret sauce and rolled in
bread crumbs to make it even more crispier. Also our product has a unique shape and
appearance. The product is also delicious, clean and healthier than the product of the
competitors and our facilities and place of the business is more attractive and convenient.
Comsumers are also looking for creative promotional methods for them to be impressed with
the products and services given by the business.

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