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Chapter 3


Research design

This study complied the experimental method for as much as whereas the aim of the study

was to analyze the effect of tongue twisters as an aid for senior high school students’ fluency and

pronunciation skills of Calamba Doctors’ College. An experimental method is a study that strictly

adheres to a scientific research design. It includes a hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated

by the researcher, and variables that can be measured, calculated and compared. The researcher

collects data and results will either support or reject the hypothesis.

An experimental method of research is appropriate to this study to inform the readers about

the effect of tongue twisters as an aid for students’ fluency and pronunciation skills. This study

also aims to present the status about the said variables as well as the other related case.

Ethical Considerations

In the conduct of the whole study, the researcher made sure that all the references were

properly cited. In addition, the respondents of the study had been kept confidential in terms of

their identity. The respondents voluntarily participate themselves to the study and nobody was

forced to answer the instrument.

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