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Triton Energy engages in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas in many

areas around the world. Triton has traditionally operated in areas in relatively high-risk,
politically unstable areas where larger and better-known producers do not operate. Top
Triton Indonesia officials (President, CFO, Commercial Manager, and Controller) were
investigated by the SEC for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. These violations
included :
 Improper payments were made to a middleman who used the funds to reduce Triton
Indonesia’s tax liability.
 Improper payments were made to a middleman who used the funds to ensure a
favorable governmental audit.
 Improper payments were made middleman who used the funds to obtain from
government officials corporate tax refunds.
 The recording of false journal entries by Triton Indonesia’s Commercial Manager and
controller were made to cover up the improper payments.
These improper payments and false journal entries were facilitated because Triton’s CEO, Bill
Lee, was an aggressive top manager who provided weak tone at the top in terms of his failure
to encourage compliance with applicable laws and regulations, failure to discourage improper
payments, and failure to implement internal controls to deter improper payments. Triton was
ultimately fined $300,000 related to scandal.
If an auditor becomes aware of violations of law, the auditor should notify the audit
committee about the violations, their circumstances, and the effect on the financial
statements. Further, the auditor should consider whether risk assessments made prior to
knowledge of identified violations are still still appropriate.
Triton Energy terlibat dalam eksplorasi dan produksi minyak mentah dan gas alam di banyak
wilayah di dunia. Triton secara tradisional beroperasi di area yang berisiko tinggi, wilayah
yang secara politis tidak stabil di mana produsen yang lebih besar dan lebih terkenal tidak
beroperasi. Pejabat Top Triton Indonesia (Presiden, CFO, Manajer Komersial, dan Pengendali)
diselidiki oleh SEC karena melanggar Undang-Undang Praktik Korupsi Asing. Pelanggaran-
pelanggaran ini termasuk:
 Pembayaran tidak wajar dilakukan kepada middleman (perantara) yang menggunakan
dana tersebut untuk mengurangi kewajiban pajak Triton Indonesia.
 Pembayaran tidak wajar dilakukan kepada middleman (perantara) yang menggunakan
dana tersebut untuk memastikan audit pemerintah yang menguntungkan.
 Pembayaran yang tidak wajar dilakukan oleh middleman (perantara) yang
menggunakan dana tersebut untuk mendapatkan pengembalian pajak dari pejabat
 Pencatatan entri jurnal palsu oleh Manajer Komersial dan pengontrol Triton Indonesia
dibuat untuk menutupi pembayaran yang tidak wajar
Pembayaran yang tidak wajar dan entri jurnal palsu ini difasilitasi karena CEO Triton, Bill Lee,
adalah manajer puncak yang agresif yang memberikan nada lemah di bagian atas dalam hal
kegagalannya untuk mendorong kepatuhan dengan hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku,
kegagalan untuk mencegah pembayaran yang tidak pantas, dan kegagalan untuk menerapkan
kontrol internal untuk mencegah pembayaran yang tidak tepat. Triton akhirnya didenda $
300.000 terkait skandal.
Jika auditor menyadari pelanggaran hukum, auditor harus memberi tahu komite audit
tentang pelanggaran, keadaan mereka, dan pengaruhnya terhadap laporan keuangan. Lebih
lanjut, auditor harus mempertimbangkan apakah penilaian risiko yang dilakukan sebelum
mengetahui pelanggaran yang diidentifikasi masih sesuai.

Terima kasih atas responnya pada 2 materi diskusi minggu lalu. Berikut saya sampaikan
penjelasan dan jawaban dari ke 2 materi tersebut:

Penugasan 01:

Triton’s violations included:

 Improper payments were made to a middle-man who used the funds to reduce Triton Indonesia’s
tax liability
 Improper payments were made to a middle-man who used the funds to ensure a favorable
governmental audit
 Improper payments were made to a middle-man who used the funds to obtain from government
officials corporate tax refunds
 The recording of false journal entries by Triton Indonesia’s Commercial Manager and Controller
to cover up the improper payments
If an auditor becomes aware of violations of law, the auditor should notify the audit committee
about the violations, their circumstance, and the effect on the financial statements. Further, the
auditor should consider whether risk assessments made prior to knowledge of violations are still

Penugasan 02

Yes. The auditor is required to evaluate the likelihood of each audit client being a going concern
as a part of each audit. There are several conditions for which the auditor should be alert when
performing the audit:

· Negative trends, such as recurring losses, working capital deficiencies, negative cash
flows from operating activities, and adverse key financial ratios

· Internal matters, such as loss of key personnel, employee strike, outdated facilities and
products, and uneconomic long-term commitments

· External matters, such as new legislation, pending litigation, loss of a key franchise or
patent, loss of a principal customer or supplier, and uninsured or underinsured casualty loss

· Other miscellaneous matters, such as default on loans, inability to pay dividends,

restructuring of debt, violations of laws and regulations, and inability to buy from suppliers on

· Significant changes in the competitive market and the competitiveness of the client’s

If the auditor concludes there may be a going concern problem, management's plans to
overcome this problem should be identified and assessed. Management may plan to sell
nonessential assets, borrow money or restructure existing debt, reduce or delay unnecessary
expenditures, and/or increase owner investments. The auditor should identify and evaluate those
factors that are most likely to resolve the problem. For example, if financial projections are an
integral part of the solution, the auditor should ask management to provide that information and
the underlying assumptions. The auditor should then consider the adequacy of support for the
major assumptions.

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