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Discussion Topic: Radical Joy

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you are not, in fact,
surrounded by assholes.” @debihope, Twitter, 2010 (after escaping an abusive relationship)

Willian Augusto Nascimento, 20 years old, was assassinated by a sniper on Tuesday during a hostage
situation on the Rio-Niteroi bridge. While the public applauded the violence of the State against a
dangerous criminal, Nascimento's family (and the hostages themselves) described him as a gentle
worker, with no criminal record, who was suffering from depression.

Discussion: What is the relationship between capitalism and depression?

to highjack (regular, transitive)
mental health
mental illness

Discussion: Are emotions political? What is radical joy? What are your best practices for
emotional/mental wellness?

Grammar Point: comparatives and superlatives

good – better – best
bad – worse - worst

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