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Online Questionnaire





1. Do you use any type of cosmetics? For:

 Anti-ageing
 Medical condition
 Beauty
 Skin-care

2. Which of the following type of cosmetics do you use?

 Hair-care
 Skin-care
 Deodorants

3. Do you prefer specific brands?

 Yes
 No

4. Which of these is your preferred brand for hair-care?

 Brand A
 Brand B
 Brand C
 Other

5. Which of these is your preferred brand for skin-care?

 Brand A
 Brand B
 Brand C
 Other

6. How many times do you use the product in a week?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

7. What is it that you look for: Price or Quality? (Likert Scale)

Price Quality

8. How much do you spend monthly on cosmetics?

 <100
 >100 but <1000
 >1000

9. Where do you generally make the purchase?

 Chemist shops
 Discount retailers
 Online channels
 Grocery stores

10. You buy a product because:

 New in the market (for trial)
 Peer pressure
 Informed decision
 You use it frequently

11. How do you decide on buying a product?

 Through advertisements
 Self or other’s experience
 After consulting a specialist

12. Which one of these is preferable?

 Natural (Herbal based)
 Artificial

13. Do you think that lower priced products indicate inferior quality?
 Yes
 No

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