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Subject English (reading and Writing) Grade

Resources You tube videos Internet and links Project Climate Change

Date January, Wed 9,2020 Week Term Second one

Teacher Leonardo Alzate Time Task 1

Task 1: Recognizing past events that impacted the environment and what humans are doing in
order to help now.
In this task, you are going to describe and to talk about climate changes and make conscious about the importance
they have in our daily life.


1. Click on the link to watch the video. Than answer the question. What is climate change?

It is the general change of our land, due to intense temperatures that cause glaciers to melt, filling the
seas and consequently flooding. We are causing this damage to the earth, by the misuse of elements that
pollute, causing irration and ending life, Contribute by recycling , disconnecting electronic objetcs, reusing
things and using the public service to move around, helping to improve this change .

2. See the following pictures and explain why are they related to climate change?

The relation that the images have with the climatic change is that everything that is seen in the images is caused
by the climatic change, also the consequences of the climatic change are observed if this link is not prevented

During task:

3. Go to and find information about the evidences for climate change, fill
in the chart with the correct information about their causes and consequences.
Sea level rise
Melting of the glaciers Water invade more coastal areas

Ocean water expansion Disappearance of large territorial


Global temperature rise

forest and forest deforestation sea level rise

forest fires ecosystem change

Warming oceans
movement of species from one
water heating
place to another
Rising sea levels
disappearance of the natural
habitat of the species
Shrinking ice sheets
thaw of the glaciers
ozone layer deterioration
Declining Arctic Sea ice
disappearance of the coasts
temperature rise

Glacial retreat
weather distortion

food chain imbalance

global temperature rise

increase in the level of the oceans

Extreme events
temperature increase droughts

sea level rise heat waves

Ocean acidification
wáter pH level decrease ecosystem change

increased oxygen concentration air pollution

Decreased snow cover

urban pollution change in the composition of
frozen lakes ecosystems
4. The Industrial Revolution was a turning point in history, how has it affected the environment? Go to and find the information
you need.
 What has happened to the environment since the Industrial Revolution began?
_____ The industrial revolution dramatically changed all aspects of human life and lifestyles. The
impact on the world psyche would not begin to register until the early 1960s, some 200 years
after its beginnings. From human development, health and longevity of life, to social
improvements and the impact on natural resources, public health, energy use and sanitation, the
effects were
 How has the Industrial Revolution affected and impacted humanity?
The full impact of the Industrial Revolution would not begin until about 100 years later, in the
nineteenth century, when the use of machines to replace human labor spread across Europe and
North America. This transformation is known as the industrialization of the world. These processes
led to dramatic increases in production capacity and would affect all basic human needs, including
the production of food, medicine, shelter and
 What other important events in history have affected the environment? Click on the link and take
notes about the timeline
____ There are several events in history that have affected the environment including the one of
the British ironmonger Thomas Newcomen invents the first widely used steam engine, paving the
way for the Industrial Revolution and the industrial scale use of coal. Or a more recent one like
the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii reports that the average daily concentration of CO2 in the
atmosphere has exceeded 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time since measurements
began in 1958.
 What are people doing now in order to stop climate change? How are you contributing to avoid
climate change?
__ it is important to make it clear that climate change cannot be avoided. We can reduce its effects
and adapt to its consequences, that is, we can combat it by implementing small- and large-scale
measures to help curb climate change. These actions are known as climate change mitigation and
adaptation measures. And for my part I try to keep the environment always clean, throwing the
garbage in the right place, making small but very important contributions to reduce climate

5. Watch the video and pay close attention from minute
4:17 on. What do you think about things that you can do to stop climate change? Are there any other
things that you can do? Write a paragraph explaining your ideas to reduce or stop climate change.


Climate change plays an important role in society, with simple ways it can be reduced: recycle, reuse, save

energy, reduce consumption of red meat, use non-polluting means of transport,


Post task:

6. Create a poster making people conscious about climate change and post it on the walls in the Reading
and writing classroom.

7. You can learn more vocabulary related to climate change at

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