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Name: Abraham bar Hiyya

Birthdate: 1070-1136 or 1145
Birthplace: Barcelona
Parents: Hezekiah Gaon= great-grandfather
Studies: Scientist Astronomer Mathematician
Contribution in the field of mathematics: Islamic algebra and
practical geometry.

Name: Bhāskara II
Birthdate: 1114–1185
Birthplace: Bijapur in Karnataka
Parents: father Mahesvara
Studies: Indian mathematician and astronomer.
Contribution in the field of mathematics: His main work Siddhānta
Shiromani, (Sanskrit for "Crown of Treatises")[4] is divided into
four parts called Lilāvatī, Bījagaṇita, Grahagaṇita and
Golādhyāya,[5] which are also sometimes considered four
independent works.[6] These four sections deal with arithmetic,
algebra, mathematics of the planets, and spheres respectively.

Name: Marin Mersenne

Birthdate: 8 September 1588 – 1 September 1648
Birthplace: French
Parents: = Unknown stated peasant.
Studies: polymath and musician.
Contribution in the field of mathematics: Mersenne prime
numbers, those which can be written in the form Mn = 2n − 1 for
some integer n.

Name: Christoph Rudolff

Birthdate: 1499 in Jawor, Silesia, died 1545 in Vienna
Birthplace: Jawor, Silesia,
Parents: Unknown
Studies: Student of Henricus Grammateus
Contribution in the field of mathematics: The author of the first
German textbook on algebra.

Name: Thales of Miletus

Birthdate: c. 624 BC- c. 546 BC
Birthplace: Miletus in Asia Minor<Milet in Turkey>
Parents: Examyas and Cleobulina
Studies: Ethics, Metaphysics, Mathematics, Astronomy.
Contribution in the field of mathematics: Thales'
theorem<Geometry>. He is the first known individual to whom a
mathematical discovery has been attributed.

Name: Eukleides of Alexandria.

Birthdate: Mid-4th century BC - Mid-3rd century BC.
Birthplace: Alexandria.
Parents: Unknown.
Studies: Mathematics.
Contribution in the field of mathematics: "Founder of
Geometry"/"Father of Geometry".
Name: Hipparchus of Nicaea
Birthdate: c. 190 – c. 120 bc
Birthplace: Nicaea, Kingdom of Bithynia< İznik, Turkey>
Parents: Unknown.
Studies: Astronomer, Mathematician, Geographer.
Contribution in the field of mathematics: Founder of trigonometry”.

Name: William Oughtred

Birthdate: 5 March 1574 – 30 June 1660
Birthplace: Eton in Buckinghamshire< Berkshire>
Parents: Unknown
Studies: Mathematician.
Contribution in the field of mathematics: Introduced the "×" symbol
for multiplication as well as the abbreviations "sin" and "cos" for
the sine and cosine functions.

Name: Leonardo of Pisa

Birthdate: c.1170-1250
Birthplace: Republic of Pisa
Parents: Guglielmo Bonacci
Studies: Italian mathematician
Contribution in the field of mathematics: Liber Abaci, popularizing
the Hindu–Arabic numeral system in Europe Fibonacci numbers

Name: Hermann Günther Grassman.

Birthdate: April 15, 1809 – September 26, 1877.
Birthplace: Germany.
Parents: Justus Günter Grassmann.
Studies: Physicist, neohumanist, general scholar, and publisher.
Contribution in the field of mathematics: Multilinear algebra,
Grassmannian, Exterior algebra.
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