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Hi Assalamualaikum, this is me Indah some people call me Bunda, I will not say why

because It’s too hard to talk but I always feel happy if someone calls me like that it sounds like I
have beloved-calling name. It’s 2020 right now, and I just type this for introducing on this white
paper of my firstwriting in this sweety-20. Hello, I said. I couldn’t say more cause I ain’t good on
writing some of words. But, I do hope this year bring me into the right away and keep on it.
May my pain, anxieties, and sorrows drown into the unknown, to the place that can’t come
back to me. Please being me good, making me stronger, raising me up and building me sturdy
mates, cause I’m no one without y’all. Wuhuu, I’m speechless. Cut off!

1st of January 2020

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