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My Earth… My Nature… My Responsibility…

Our Mother Earth is one of the most beautiful planets in the universe

wherein billion of human beings and trillion of species can live. Our

mother nature provides us food when we are hungry, give us shelter

when we are tired, give us air that we used to breathe, and give us water

when we are thirsty. Its truly that our mother nature is like our parents

who will care, give and support all our needs in life for free. But, despite

of the free services that our mother nature offered to us, why we are not

able to pay her kindness. Does she deserve all that cruel things?

Everyday we produce tons of degradable waste and we just throw it

everywhere without anxiety. The smoke and harmful gases from our

homes, vehicles and industries that destroy the atmosphere and pollutes

the air we breathe. We keep on destroying the forest for agriculture and

settlement purposes. We keep on making huge buildings, road widenings

and making factories beyond the capacity of our mother nature to cater.
As a human being, we should stop being selfish. Stop being cruel to her.

Stop destroying our mother nature. Because if we continue this kind of

activities all of us will suffer from diseases and there will be a great

possibility that we will lose our home.

To give solutions on this matter are not impossible. As a youth, as a

student and as part of the society it is our responsibility to take care of

our mother earth. How? By simply cleaning and taking care of our

surroundings. Instead of burning the non-degradable waste why not

recycle it. Plants more trees to clean the air we breathe. Minimize water

consumption. Invest in a reusable shopping bag. Turn off unnecessary

lights. Simple things yet have great effect if all of us will do the same.

So, to end my speech, I just want to leave you couple of lines “The

Mother Earth can live without us, but us humans we cannot live

without her”.

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