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Holidaying can be closely associated with being free spirited i.e. the personality that we can focus on
is Freedom and receptive towards change.

Considering this, our segmentation could be based on people who love to explore, or exploring
themselves for solace, who love being exposed to new avenues.

Here we can focus on youth, middle aged as well as aged people who have been relieved from their
worldly duties. We can have customized packages for each of the segments for e.g.

Segment Tour Package/Proposal Examples

Youth (18-30) Adventure Locations and Treks, Mountaineering,
Explorations. Camping etc.
Middle Aged (31-60) Family Oriented Trip locations Hill Stations, Wildlife
Reserves, Sanctuaries,
Theme Parks etc.
Aged (61 & above) Pilgrimage, Serene and Haj, 4 Dham Yatra etc.
Picturesque locations


The brand name above suggests that everyone in the world has the ultimate desire to be away from
his/her surroundings and find peace and tranquility, which can be attained through different means,
be it, adventure trips, going on a pilgrimage or it could be exploring the world with your loved ones.

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