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Lesson plan

Date: 28 th November 2019

English Teacher: Ana - Maria Leorda
Teacher: Teodora Nidelea
Coordinator: Mariana Gemescu
Practitioner: Ciobanu Valentina-Marinela
Class: IV A
Level: beginners
School: Gimnazială ‘’Sf. Gheorghe’’, Giurgiu
Textbook: ‘’Limba modernă engleză – clasa a IV-a’’, ed. Booklet
Unit 5: ‘’I’m going to school’’
Lesson 2: ‘’I’m going to school’’
Objectives: 1: To compose sentences with the verbs at present continuous.
2: To make the right connection between sentences with present continuous.
3: To organize the words to form sentences with present continuous.
Skilss: reading, speaking, writing, listening.
Resources: a pen, worksheets, textbook, pictures, roulette, cardboard.
Interaction: individual
Time: 40 minutes

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