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Modal Verbs

Modal Verb Meanings Types of Sentences Types of Infinitive Examples

1) to have the courage +
Dare or impertinence ! Simple How dare you say that!
to do something (as -
How dare she come here!
a defective verb)
How many years is it since
we danced together? I
daren't think.
He dared not look at her.

2) to have the courage or - He does not dare to come

Present tense form impertinence Simple here again.
Past tense form to do something (as a She told me she had never
regular verb, including dared to ask him about it.
verbals) No one dared to live in the
house since.

Set phrase: dare say (очень возможно,

пожалуй, полагаю, осмелюсь сказать.)
I dare say I looked a little confused.
My son is not in town, but I dare say he will be before long.

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