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First place - home

Second place – work place

Third place - third place is a hangout spot, community center or “home away from home” that provides
an essential zone outside of home and work.

… a third place is a welcoming space that cultivates essential social experiences in the company
of like-minded people.

… In terms of design, a third place is set up to be an inviting hangout spot for its denizens.

… A good third place is also easy to get to and is close to your home or work. You don’t have to
spend a lot of time and energy getting there. You can pop in and out quickly without much
stress or planning. Ideally you can walk, but you might also get to your third place by public
transportation or a quick drive.

The third place is best when it’s free, but it is, at the very least, inexpensive. You don’t have to
spend a lot of money to hang out there, whether that be on membership, drinks or services.

… social hierarchy tends to be suspended. Aristocrats and plebs alike hobnob. Mike the Lawyer
and Joe the Barber are hanging out together, and no one is pulling rank. The lack of pretense
makes this a spot where people of different classes and worlds can mingle. In the third place,
people are equals.

… the French Revolution and the Civil Rights Movement began in salons and barbershops, two of
the most powerful third places in history

… A third place is always neutral ground — no one has any obligation to be there. There are
usually employees and owners, but patrons are there because they want to be (and ideally, even
the employees are socializing while they work).

… Third places have “regulars.” If you go often enough, you become one. (Think of the show
Cheers — a third place is “where everybody knows your name.”) If your third place is a bar, pub
or coffee shop, look forward to the day the barista or bartender asks if you’ll have “the usual.”
You’re more of a guest at a party than a customer in a store — another mark of the third place.
People will be happy to see you show up. Strangers are approached with friendly curiosity, not
Study case

K2 tower Seoul

it is an urban domain in which various restaurants and beauty services — required for both parties —
are provided during the busy night hours, recharging the life of exhausted people in a certain sense.

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