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€ ce OB hitps:/ ~Ow t:noe Google | casio ve penzon cw Books aa BmExR oe ‘Ade to my library * rite review page <> od possibility of getting 6-7-8 only if you're hitting a ‘wo-card thirteen, fourteen, oF fifteen, as your hand ‘can be only 6-7, 6-8, or 7-8. If you do have one of these hands, you will have a conditional hit only for thirteen versus six, fourteen versus four, or fifteen versus two when playing 117, which will hhappen less than 0.5% of the time, fewer than one ‘out of every 200 hands. As for suited and spaded 6- 7-8 or any 7-7-7, the frequency is a whole order of magnitude less. You can take your time learning the conditional 6-7-8 plays, because knowing them will not save you much money. In fact, you will probably find that by referring to your chart over and over again, you will end up memorizing the more complex plays over time without even being aware of it. Note that both unsuited 6-7-8 and five- ‘card twenty-one pay 3 to 2, so you will find that if the hard thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen play is , it will also be . "This makes the 6-7-8 unsuited plays easier to remember. Note that the only possible five-card ten is five twos, which is virtually impossible to get against up cards 2-8 because you split twos. The only way ‘you will get a five-card ten against 2-8 is if you inave already split twos to the maximum allowable number of hands and are dealt four more twos in a row. You will probably never get this in your entire Tife, so it is safe to say that for hard ten, you ean ‘change all the DS plays to D, which will make it easier to remember. Tt will ease the memorization process if you note that the mumbers after the letters D and S increase 8s you approach the dealer up card of six from both directions. The reason why the hit numbers don’t exceed six is because the bonus payouts are capped at seven cards, Hitting a six-card hand and getting Table 39. Frequency of n card hands No.of cards inhand Frequency 2 r2.0% 3 219% 4 43% 5 7% 6 or more 0% 4 seven-card twenty-one is awarded the same payout as hiting a seven-card hand and getting an eight-card twenty-one. Consequently, the two hands have virtually the same odds. Most of your plays will be reasonably obvious fand, after a while, you will be able to make them very quickly. However, when you are confronted with a tricky play, take your time playing it so that ‘you don’t make an error. I usually say something like, "Should 1 go for a five-card twenty-one?” This lets the dealer know that I require 2 moment for reflection USING CASINO VERITE Learning is made quick and easy by the use of Blackjack software containing flashcard drills. The ‘only Spanish 21-friendly product on the market is Casino Vérité Blackjack (CVBJ) by Norm Wattenberger, which is considered the most advanced and accurate Blackjack software available. You can download a two-week free-trial version from www.qfitcom Before you can do your flasheard drills, a great deal of setting up is required, because CVBI is designed for Blackjack rather than Spanish 21, It is 2 two-part process; first we set up CVBJ to play Spanish 21, and then we enter our Spanish 21 basic strategy inlo the Blackjack Testing Engine. 1 will ‘guide you through, step by step, so that it is a painless process When you first use CVBJ, it will ask you to select from a list comprising casinos from all over the world. It doesn’t really matter which one you choose, as it is relevant to Blackjack, not Spanish 21. Choose the first table layout you see, and when asked your playing level, choose “Maven,” which ‘means “expert.” When the table layout appears, select “Options” from the menu along the top, then choose “Settings.” Under the “Basic Rules” tab, under “Decks/Penetration,” choose “No. of decks.” Under “Parameters,” choose the numbe’y of burn cards in the venue where you play. Under “Common Rules,” choose your hard and soft double down rules and tick “DD after spit.” If you are playing Pontoon, tick “No dealer hole card deal,” and in South Australia, tick “Dealer BJ wins all” If HI7, tick “Dealer hits $17." Under the

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