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Farhan Atoillah (17320127) | Hk class

Pollution Is Dangerous

It is been becoming general statement that air pollution brings more harm. They even

believe that it can disturb their health in their life. However, I do believe that air pollution is

very dangerous because at least two significant reasons. First, pollutant is consist of chemical

compoud that should not be consumed by human. One of the chemical compound is carbon

dioxide that causes lung cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report

in 2017 stated that over 6.5 million premature deaths every year, largely as a result of

increased mortality from lung cancer. Second, pollutant can cause global warming, increasing

the temperature of the environment. It makes the weather working innormally. According to

WHO report in 2015, In every large cities all over the world, the changing of the weather is

not regularly. It is caused by the global warming. In sum, air pollution is very disadvantagous

for the human life.

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