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Air pollution

Air pollution leads to 7M premature deaths yearly.

Some 7 million people die prematurely every year from air pollution, the United Nations
Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment said Monday ahead of World
Environment Day, noting there are also success stories.

Over fishing
Philippine fisheries dying.

Philippine fishery production declined between 2010 and 2017. As a result, since 2010, the
contribution of fishery to agriculture growth has been negative.

Caught fish retail prices increased faster in Metro Manila: galunggong rose by 30%from
2010 to 2016 versus pork which increased by 22%, dressed chicken by 16%, and bangus and
tilapia by 17% through 2017.

The decline in fishery production is largely a result of the destruction of coral reefs, which
serve as habitat for marine organisms. Coral reefs are suffering despite long-term measures
outlawing damaging fishing practices.
Unclean Water
When water causes diseases and deaths

Drinking water with high levels of nitrate can cause serious health problems, particularly
among children. The greatest risk of nitrate poisoning is “blue baby syndrome,” in which affected
infants develop a peculiar blue-gray skin color. They may become irritable or lethargic, depending
on the severity of their condition. The condition can progress rapidly to cause coma and death if it
is not recognized and treated appropriately.

Silver (Ag)
It is used for jewellery and silver tableware, where appearance is important. Silver is used
to make mirrors, as it is the best reflector of visible light known, although it does tarnish with time.
It is also used in dental alloys, solder and brazing alloys, electrical contacts and batteries.

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