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Automatic Trash

1.1 Theoritical Background

Garbage has become a serious threat to humans. It is hoped that this smart trash can reduce the
dangers of germs, bacteria, and viruses that come from the trash, and make people comfortable to throw
away garbage. In addition, these automatic trash cans become one of the means of government to run
programs that have been designed to maintain health and hygiene in the community environment.
(Setiawan, Syahputra, & Iqbal, 2014).
To solve the problem above. Therefore the writer aims to create the trash automatically without
having to open or close it manually. Based on the background then the author titled "Automatic Trash"
by opening or closing the place Garbage uses ultrasonic sensors to detect objects then deprogram by
microcontroller and controlled by the servo serves to open and close the trash and the red LED will
illuminate to be able if the sensor is working and there is a buzzer function to know that garbage is full
and the blue LED is lit.

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1.2 Formulation of issues/ problem statment

A. How can we make our lives more clean in removing garbage?

B. How does the automated trash can work?

1.3 Purpose

A. To reduce contaminated bacteria or viruses caused by touching the trash can directly.

B. Can find out how the auto trash based microcontroller works by opening and closing
automatically without having to open and close manually.

1.4 Problem limiting

A) in the trash used for indoors.

b) in the Trash only for dry garbage.

2.1 Basic theory

1. Arduino uno
Arduino Uno is an Arduino board that uses the ATmega328 microcontroller. Arduino Uno-based
microprocessor (in the form of Atmel AVR) and equipped with a 20MHz oscillator (which allows time-
based operations to be executed appropriately) and regulators (voltage generator) 5 Volts (Setiawan et
al., 2014).
2. Sensor Ultrasonik HC-SR04

Ultrasonic sensors are sensors that have a frequency of 40 khz and are widely used for intelligent
robot applications or contests. This distance Sensor uses sonar (ultrasonic wave) to determine the
distance of the object in front of it (Setiawan et al., 2014).). The sensor serves as the ultrasonic sender,
receiver, and controller.

3. Servo

A servo motor is a device or rotary actuator (motor) designed with a closed-loop feedback control
system (servo), so that it can be set-up or set to determine and ensure the angle position of the motor
output shaft. Servo motors are devices consisting of DC Motors, a series of gear, Control circuit and
potentiometer. A series of gears attached to the shaft DC Motors will slow the axle rotation and increase
the torque of the servo motor, Potentiometer with its resistance change when the motor rotates function
as the limit of rotation position of servo motor shaft (Raya, 2018).

4. Buzzer
This buzzer is enabled only for output only. When the condition is achieved then this buzzer will
emit sound like a sirens, the sound of this sirens is generated from the Arduino program. Buzzer works
when given 5volt voltage on red and ground cables on black cables (Pendeteksi et al., 2019).

5. LED

LEDS are electronic components that can emit monochromatic light when given an advanced
voltage. LEDS are diode families made of semiconductor materials. The colours of light emitted by the
LEDS depend on the type of semiconductor material they use (Ii, n.d.).

3.1 How It Works

 How servo works, ultrasonic sensors and red LEDs
That is to open and close the mechanic, Because It requires a utrasonic sensor Where
ultrasonic is the sensor to the object of incoming and outgoing objects, then Red LED will
 How buzzer works
It is to tell if the trash is full, therefore it requires Ultrasonic sensors to power the full
trash then the blue LED is lit and the buzzer is Reads, if the garbage is not full buzzer does not
sound and the blue led does not turn on After the garbage test process can be based on the sensor
of each. The existence of Arduino Uno to allow the sensor to run Smoothly.
3.2 Metodelogi
In completing this final task, the implementation methods used are:
A. Conduct surveys of tools and materials to be used.
B. Conduct Controller programming using Arduino IDE software and Data
transmission to Arduino UNO.
C. Analyzing the Data coming out of the ultrasonic sensors.
D. testing tools somewhere.
3.2 steps
To create this automatic trash, we need components which we will use such as,
ultrasonic sensor, buzzer, servo motor, LED, and Arduino. Where the ultrasonic sensor serves as
an object detector/Garbage to be inserted into the trash . Buzzer is used as a notification that the
trash inside is full. Servo motors are used to open and close the top bins. Led as a notification if
the ultrasonic sensor reads an object. And the Arduino as a brain or controller.
Then we need a wooden board as a skeleton of the trash. The wooden planks are going
to be shapes such as trash cans in general. After that we create a program on each of the sensors
and the programs will be merged so that the Trash can later be able to stay automatically. The next
step we attach the sensors to the trash can in accordance with the function.
4.1 Result
Ultrasonic 1: Located on the outside of the trash, which is where if the sensor detects
an object within a distance of 2cm then the servo motor will open the trash cap and the red LED
will be lit up as a notification.
Ultrasonic 2: Located on the inside of the trash, which serves to detect when the trash
inside is full then the buzzer and led will be active.

4.2 discussion

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