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Power, Gender, and Ritual in Europe and the Americas Essays in Memory of Richard C. Trexler Edited by PETER ARNADE and MICHAEL ROCKE we Toronto Contre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies 2008 ADOLESCENCE AND DAMNaTION: Stn anv Yourn UN FLORENTINE CONFRATERNITIES Kownap Eisenaicuien ‘Casetlan de" Castellani’ pay Repprsoasione dali! pode (The Repraenttion of the Prodigal Sun) wat componed in the ely scent Foo ha sy eps Sn conti of Co Pugin 134150 don Bat 92 Power, Gender, and Ritalin Burope and the Americas (Be caf et od be pe with you “Wessun yo ey) ® Jn amercanle and commercial society ach a hat of lorcet aly damaging sis were thor that ndertined the smoot Sascionng of the roio-conomte stem, hab thowe that impinged on the proces ofacqition nd secumastion of wah: cvs suchas wasingone® time nile ger, or riking o's frtne plying de or dang socil bonds by being despecflt one's pee Aside fom being school of Chien doc, te sonfatenisy wes tus a schoo of socio-conomie dacene whet th youth of Forenct learned tobe good ‘ompag who made good we ofthe, couse and contac mo ‘empath sunt ee went in ne, erased prot tats oF wale lly down he winding ond of erly delagucncy su cera dmostion ‘Vieronsa Connor Unavensiey oF Toxowro Crrgo Wones Mnuzipt Sours Florence. Archivio di Stato di Pree (ASF) Capita Compagnie Reigiose Soppreie (Cap, Cx) 627,752, 882 ‘Compagnie Reo Soppree (Cis) 160 Diplomatico, Patrimonio Belesaico di irene, 24 June 1442 Printed Sources Cascellni, Castelan de.’ Rapprerentsione del figinl prodgs, pp. 1357-989 in Sime roppresentaciont det eet XIV, XV ¢ XVI, ‘Aesandro D’Ancona. 3 ols. Horeace: Saccesoni Le Monier, 1872, La rppreenacone i San Veanzi, el. Neide Newbigin, ‘Camesino: Univesel deg Sead di Camerino, Centro Linguistica Ai Ateneo, 1998 copein ata ai, 358, Avotsscexca AND DaMaarion 93, Cecchi, Giovan Mata, Conmeiie dé Gionnmais Cech moa frentine ‘ed seolo XVI, ef, Gaetano Mianesi. 2 vols Horenee: Fie Le Moar, 1856 ranma ie Coonan Cech nts frente el sole XVI, ed. Raflelo Rocchi. 2 vol, Forence: Seceonon, | Le Mounier, 1895, 150, ‘Lethal itd ¢Frenze nel XV sel, Gianfranco Ro, Ludoviea Sebeegondi, Paolo Vit. 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Tosoato: Cenee for Reforae- tion and Renasance Stacy, 2002, ‘Tavesai, Anbrogio. Latins eile, e, L, Mets, Florence: Ex Typ. Caesteo, 1755; pt Bologna: A’ Fomi, 1968.2 vols, ‘Teevler, Richard C. "Ritual in Florence: Adolescence and Salvation in the Reaasane,” pp. 200-264 in The Pure of Holines n Late Medio! and Revsiane Religion, eds Chale Tenkaus an Heke ‘A. Oberman. Lowrin: EJ. Beil, 1974 lity of pres eowacd thee wrcenth-century Florence. Fat fo ‘included the sight tenth them psi temporary or prpetalinpesonment, ons, ‘© escape. The intron of publi sr patty tue the exe of dose ‘eit and the powerful” In efi ere categorized in the eas of ‘who were thus no longer» {very heavy pola and rmesiores wat the excep which were then of the foureenth entuy madi to their marginalization in tional usar of the judicl procedaes apis segregated in diferent public space, epi ‘of parenthood that oar contemporaict nigh, fect onto this society, etionships between pte ath of severity ASther’s power wo cottect sn ildeen found bayACapeee om the Bind pine his eileen aly/And to place them in ich they Were powedess fy into fsmily Iie rte roiled te ascendancy of one gensson over the wthee, This wos the gud «pot o the ne members of suc lineage who gates in he yeas 1293-1295 and ofthe Florentine popol, were subjected cia constants, The pariculanty ofthese al strength of final and judicial olidaty elative to dat shared bythe “commoners” the fandamental sw ofthe guild commune, sade even hather in the nogiuat, the Executor ofthe Ordinances ofustice, was instituted ig he fit few yeas of the Fourteenth entry to ava nj ie and the excep- feto them, magnates were lly inside the commmunal

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